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Aug 15, 2006
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Is the quality of material for discussion, as well as the discussions on TPF deteriorating? Why? What can be done/you do to improve this?
If some of the professional photographers or even novices came up with topics that interests members and guests. It does not have to be technical. Even if it seems like an insignificant topic, post it. Just get the conversation going. Plus a more friendly atmosphere. It should feel like the off topic section in here. But that's just my 2 cents.
Well, I've been reading a lot about Leica's lately. After seeing some of the super sharp photography that can be made to come out of those lenses, and reading the highly enthusiastic essays of those who LOVE the rangefinder, I gotta tell you that I'm more than intrigued.

The thought of a smaller, less consipicuous camera is very enticing.
The thought of the inerrant and discreet way rangefinder's can focus.
The quiet and instantaneous shutter, the lack of mirror slap, the bright viewfinder, the excellent lowlight ability, all are enticing qualities.

Yes the rangefinder does have many downfalls compared to the slr. But for strict use as a portrait landscape or street photography, it seems they hold their own with the best in all areas.

I'm not one for film, never used it, probably never will only because I don't want to wait while it develops, and don't want to become a developer of film either. Leica's first foray into the digital world seems to leave a little bit to be desired, but I bet within 10 years or so they will get it figured out. ( Leica moves slowly ).
Oh and then there is the price. Arrrgghhhhh. Would I ever consider paying $10-$15k for a body and a lens or two ? Possibly, someday, as long as I can see the value.

Anyway, my sincere hope is that the rangefinder will find it's way back to more popularity, and that Leica will perfect it's digital line while bringing the price down a bit.

Oh, not the topic you wanted ? Ok. Next ?
One issue I see is that some people are no good at offering criticism and often come across as rude. They claim that they're "just being honest and it's who they are," but really, you can be honest without sounding like a complete ass.

Beginners come here to learn, and when they try by offering images for critique, I imagine many are driven away by the attitudes they encounter. Attitudes from people who feel they're God's gift to photography and this forum. And, while these people are quick to belittle/insult the work of others, they rarely share their own so that the rest of us might learn something from their obvious brilliance.

Aside from that, the issues that thePhotoForum may have I think are common to most others (ie, the same questions everyday, threads lacking much substance, a lack of really active users compared to the number of those that are registered, etc). Recently though, I have noticed some quality discussions going on, namely Can I Steal Your Image? and Shooting Manual or Auto. And, I think we could use more discussions like this, that everyone can latch onto and really get involved in. Perhaps more activities could help (getting more people shooting and sharing) as well?

Really though, I think most forums get into ruts every now and then, but they usually find their ways out. Some folks blame moderators, but I think it's really up to the regular users to make the change and get things going in a good direction again.

Good topic...
I also spend a great deal of time on a boating forum...I'm actually into boating far more than photography, anyhow...
The boating forum that I frequent goes through the same issues as TPF. Every now and then people drop out and things get slow... but it seems to come around after awhile.
Also on the other forum there are posters that seem to think they are far superior than most others and have an answer to every question. You get that in real life too, so I don;t think there is much that can be done about that type of personality...just live with it as you would in the real world.
As for content...this site has excellent content, the problem for me is finding it. Doing a search helps put is far from perfect. That's why we get a lot of repeat questions. SO what..start the conversation over again for the new guy/gal. If you don;t want to participate in that post because you've discussed that topic before...then don't..just move on and let the others talk as they wish.

That's my two cents
The problem I see is to many times people jump into discussions for no other reason than to instigate an argument.
Alot of the times it is just to complain that someone new actually asked a question that has been asked before. While there is the option to search and try to find the exact topic with the specific answers to an individual question, sometimes they do not realize about the search option, or can't find the specific information in similar topics. Instead of jumping in and creating another argument thread, people should just pass it up and not worry about it. Let someone who doesn't mind answer or point the new person in the right direction.
Another problem is that there are thousands of people on here, and anytime someone disagrees on a point, once again a thread is hijacked and arguments over opinions lead the thread off topic, turns into insults, and discourages new members from even participating.
In short I think egos and the need to be perceived as "the all knowing", are creating an atmosphere of contempt and indifference.
The TPF was like a small quaint town when I first joined several years ago. It has grown and grown to much like a city. Just like the city, there is more to like and a whole lot more to dislike. Ah well... progress.

That's the best answer I could offer.
Well, I've been reading a lot about Leica's lately. <snip>
Oh, not the topic you wanted ? Ok. Next ?

There are at least two Leica shooters that are active here in the TPF (myself and Iron Flatline). Feel free to start topics and ask questions..

Quick answer to your off topic question: Not too many alternatives...
1) Epson R-d1 (used)
2) Panasonic G1 with adapter for M-mount Leica lenses
3) Voigtlander makes Mmount and Leica screwmount lenses (optional screw to M-mount adapter) that is VERY affordable.
4) High end P&S cameras (Canon G9/G10 being a leader in the group)

Each option has limitations.
As for content...this site has excellent content, the problem for me is finding it. Doing a search helps put is far from perfect. That's why we get a lot of repeat questions. SO what..start the conversation over again for the new guy/gal. If you don;t want to participate in that post because you've discussed that topic before...then don't..just move on and let the others talk as they wish.


As for the lack of discussions a few observations of my own

1) Some view forums as their personal entertainment areas and thus expect the advanced talks about what they want to talk about to appear on the site as if by magic. They tend to get rather flippent and lash out at newer posters asking the same old questions as a result (partly).
If you want to talk about something YOU have to start the post - and be willing to bump it a few times if people miss it - TFP is a big place and the mods accept that - so you won't get in any trouble if the post gets bumped provided you leave it for a good period of time first

2) Respect - too many people take advantage of the fact that this is the web and show little to no respect to others in a debate nor do they show a willingness to review the presented information - rather perfering to stick to a single position and keep parroting on. Two people (or more) can disagree on something and yet retain a civil debate on the topic they just have to act mature.

3) Language and communication - some people just don't know how to talk online - also others are far too willing to be the victim in a situation. I have seen direct advice time and again, given in direct manner and the person being critiqued has lashed out against it - a few moments later there is a heated argument with people comming in on all sides and the fallout is usually a locked thread and a few people adding others to ignor lists.
Some people need to learn how to write whilst some others need to learn how to read.

4) Thought - my dad taught me that if your going to write an important letter never write it whilst in the heat of emotion - even if you do don't send it till at least the following day. Calm yourself and review the situation with a clear mind.

As for correcting the problem - well there is only a problem if the talks you want are not happening - and the only solution to that is to start the talks yourself
I've gotta say, a few points above have been on my mind for quite some time. Some of the frequent posters here have become to act like they are the moderators. Telling posters that they posted in the wrong forum( by their opinion that is), belittle them by telling them to do a search of the archives rather than bringing up this topic for the umpteenth time and so on and so on ...You know what I mean.

I for one like to see new posters ask the same old question. Someone will answer them and maybe that person answering has asked that question the time before. Not only does the OP get an answer but the person giving the answer has the satisfaction of passing on some knowledge. To be told to search the archives is not the way to inspire participation on this forum, and you what? someone might give a better insight to answer to the question and all can benefit from it.

So yes, some of the participants should get off their high horse and opt not to post if they don't want to answer the question.

Just my two cents worth.

I've been on this forum for at least a year ...I don't post much unless I can contribute but I do peruse the forums daily if not several times a day. Sometimes there is a lot of interesting discussions and sometimes not . That's just the nature of the beast.
To be told to search the archives is not the way to inspire participation on this forum

Sometimes I wonder if everyone who says "use the search function" constantly has actually tried it...

The search here does not seem to work very well - nothing at all like google.
Most of the times I've tried searching for something I get so many results that it really is faster to just start a new thread than to dig through a thousand threads; most of which just have the word you searched for in it, but don't actually help you.

(edit - Wait, I guess that is just like google. lol.)

And telling them to google it is like saying "This isn't the forum for you, find another one".
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Further - when you google something you have to have at least some idea of the answer you are looking for - as well as a way to sift out the proper infomation from the rubbish - google gives 1000000000s of results for most questions and whilst the top answers can sometimes give the right answer its hard to tell when your new to a subject.
I am a member of an LSU forum called Tigerdroppings. It has also been going through some bad times. Much like this board, there are several different boards within this forum ranging from Politics to Recruiting to Off Topic to Food & Drink.

Each board at "TD" goes through its "doldrums." One board is lively while another may be really slow and uninteresting. Everything cycles. Obviously, football season means the entire forum (which has tens of thousands of registered members), from SEC Rant to The Gaming Board, is really hopping.

I really tend to think that a combination of winter and the bad economy (mostly winter) has affected TPF and other message boards. It has just been too damn miserable to go outside and shoot. One also has to realize that this board probably sees a spike in membership and interest in the 6 weeks or so after Christmas, as lots of people get new lenses, cameras, accessories, etc. and are dying to talk about them. My presence here is a prime example of that. I'm sure that peak has subsided by now because people have gathered the info they need, discussed what they want to discuss, and gotten perfunctory critique of their efforts with that new 200mm f/2.8 or Nikon D300.

I enjoy the more cerebral discussions found on TPF, whether I participate or not. I usually do not because I really have no unique perspective to add due to lack of experience. I don't offer much work up for C&C because I know my photos are lacking, and I am learning to fix the problems myself by reading this forum. Most of my comments are positive in nature. The only thing I really criticize is composition, which I think is one of the easiest things about photography (to me, anyway).

I don't find an overabundance of snarky or rude criticism, but it is obvious when it shows up. I have thick skin. You can't really say you are a member of this board until you've gotten a good dressing down by JerryPH :lol: (and I have gotten snarked by Jerry! Seriously, I've gained a TON of useful knowledge from your posts Jerry).

I really enjoy this board. Thanks for having me!!!
I don't offer much work up for C&C because I know my photos are lacking, and I am learning to fix the problems myself by reading this forum.

It is great that you are working through problems yourself - it really is, but don't think that C&C is only for masterworks - C&C is very much for people in your position - infact its far more needed when your starting out :)

You can't really say you are a member of this board until you've gotten a good dressing down by JerryPH :lol: !

Darn I knew I was missing something - but I need to shoot people for that I think! and I am rubbish at people shooting. ;)

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