Upgraded to a D90


TPF Noob!
Dec 9, 2011
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Long Island, New York
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Finally decided that the time has come to upgrade from my Nikon D70S to a refurb'd D90 from Adorama. Looking forward to my 1st few outings as I go about learning the new menus and functions.
Cool! You will love it! :) Look forward to seeing photos from the new toy!
Thanks Charlie. Should be fun. Of course now I have one less excuse for any screw ups. :lmao:
Thanks Charlie. Should be fun. Of course now I have one less excuse for any screw ups. :lmao:

No you can still blame everything on the camera and lens and ambiant light, thats what I do and it works out well for me haha

You will love it man, I love my D90
Agreed, you will love the D90. Ir's a very good body and even though I also have a D7000 my D90 still gets used (today for example).
I love my D90. I drool over the D700 and the pro grade lenses (24-70, 70-200) but I'm happy for now with my D90 and 50mm 1.8.
You will love it. I love mine.
Congrats. Once you start using your nikon D90 you will never pick up your nikon D70s again.(me and the d70s go back, but I found a new lover LOL) Its true I never even touch my D70s anymore. The color and the iso Just amazing= Less work on the computer adding contrast and etc
It;s a fine camera, I love mine! Enjoy it. All this talk of new Nikon cameras being released has got me hungry for new tech. But at the same time, I am yet to find a fault with my D90 yet so perhaps I am OK with 2008 technology for now!
Yep same here don't lust too much for a D7000.
As my D90 still works great making me monies tho getting up there over 57k clicks on it.

Tho many tout what great improved sensor performance for the D5100 I would never go back to a hampered camera body. Give me builtin motor and commander flash mode. Dedicated controls for changing settings on the fly without my eye leaving the Bigger Brighter Viewfinder.
Thanks guys.

I took 3-5 day delivery, but knew from prior experience with Adorama, that it would be more like 2-3 days. I live on Long Island, and their main whse is in Edison NJ, which is right across the George Washington bridge. Placed my online order Thursday at 2 pm, and the D90 via UPS was at my door Friday afternoon. I didn't get home from work till 11pm at night, so it was a real long work day for me.

Made my morning coffee, and now it's day one of my learning curve. I should feel comfortable enough to head out for my 1st D90 photo shoot Monday as I'm off from work. Can't wait.
Yay! Congrats Joel! Can't wait to see your pics :)
Congrats! You'll be even more happen once you throw a battery grip on there. My charge, with grip, usually lasts 1-2 weeks.

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