Very many here using CS5?

I did some thorough research and decided to upgrade, for no reason in particular, only to discover dozens of excellent new features that were wholly undocumented and unadvertised but fit my workflow completely.

I don't know why they would have left out so many great things on their feature list, like 32-bit smart layers on PS regular edition, adjustable deghosting on HDR merges, and tone compression.
im trying to get Photoshop CS4 or CS5 but i can't find any free download full version of it.. if anyone has it can i have the link please? just pm me or here wherever makes you comfortable to send it thank you.
you can get a free trial on the adobe site.
im trying to get Photoshop CS4 or CS5 but i can't find any free download full version of it.. if anyone has it can i have the link please? just pm me or here wherever makes you comfortable to send it thank you.
That's because there aren't any (legal ones anyway), save the trail version download ann mentioned.
i just got one CS4 2weeks ago, it's a free download and full version but now i can't find it. thanks though ann & kmh for telling me trail version.
I'm using CS5 in conjunction with LR3. For me, it's a steep learning curve but I'm finding it easier to use each day.
I've been using CS5 since its release and LR3 since the beta, and it's a great combo. Note that in the last scanned photo that I posted in this thread in "Just for fun", I used content aware fill in CS5 to remove a large, central tree from the photo. Great stuff! Give yourself CS5 for Christmas. :D
Upgraded from PS7 to CS5 and haven't regretted it. I love the content-aware fill option - a real time saver (most of the time anyway). Then went all out and added LR3 at the same time.
If you know how to use the program, need it, work professionally in photography or imaging media, then yes its worth the outlay, if your amateur/hobby or haven't got a clue then download some free image edit program and buy some decent glass for your camera. I've used several versions of PS for years and CS1 suited all my needs as a professional, I decided a while back further upgrades were unnecessary and not conducive to good business practice. H
If you know how to use the program, need it, work professionally in photography or imaging media, then yes its worth the outlay, if your amateur/hobby or haven't got a clue then download some free image edit program and buy some decent glass for your camera. I've used several versions of PS for years and CS1 suited all my needs as a professional, I decided a while back further upgrades were unnecessary and not conducive to good business practice. H
I have to disagree to an extent. If you're a career photographer, perhaps the type of work you do would not particularly benefit from constant Photoshop upgrades and hence a move to CS5 might not make strong pragmatic sense. But for the devoted amateur/hobbyist/geek, or pro who works on diverse projects, I submit that it's a must-have app. Few things are more fun to me than "working" on images. :D
I jumped from CS3 to PS5. I didn't get the whole suite this time because I rarely use Illustrator and the version in CS3 is still fine for my needs. I love PS5, though: smart stacks, improved cloning. I'm waiting to explore the newer features over the holidays.
CS4 Extended upgraded to CS5
LR2 upgraded to LR3

Both good decisions. I am not a professional.

It's like having a car with 900 HP. You may not need all of it all the time but if I ever need any amount of power between 0 and 900, I can select with the throttle and go. I mean, it only takes about 15 HP to maintain highway speeds anyways so what's with all the Corollas and Sentras out there? Excessive, right?

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