Washington's Cahpel in Valley Forge, PA (USA)

(Ghastly) Krueger

TPF Noob!
Feb 20, 2006
Reaction score
Lost between tomorrow and yesterday
Can others edit my Photos
Photos OK to edit
I wish I had more time to take pics, but my baby fall asleep and made logistics a bit harder ;)



Comments are of course, welcome.
They are images somewhat complicated to analyze. I do not see with clarity which you want to teach to us with these photos. I believe that the compositions and the light too much are not guessed right. I hope that it does not bother east commentary to you, I try that he is constructive, and to never make damage. Greetings from Spain.
I believe that the compositions and the light too much are not guessed right. I hope that it does not bother east commentary to you, I try that he is constructive, and to never make damage. Greetings from Spain.

Absolutely no damage done, on the contrary, thanks for the input.

What would you change in the composition?

Saludos desde México!
Hola Krueger, te hablaré en español, que me desenvuelvo mucho mejor.
Espero que no te molesten mis comentarios o correcciones, pues yo no soy nadie para decir nada, pero creo que lo hago de manera constructiva, y en ningun caso quiero ofenderte. Cada cual hace sus fotos como cree, y siempre es bueno escuchar opiniones de los demás.
Yo te daré la mía particular.

Creo que las fotos que nos muestras están erradas a la hora de disparar, pues no te centras en nada en concreto.
Por ejemplo, la primera, la de la catedral, podrías haber hecho una foto mas frontal, o por ejemplo centrate en algún detalle, como el escudo, la puerta, etc, sin embargo en tu foto, la puerta no se aprecia, la parte alta de la torre tampoco, y el escudo que parece bonito al coger la composición que has elegido se vé muy desequilibrado.

En la segunda foto, las columnas del primer plano, en las que se aprecia el flash, le quitan muchísimo protagonismo a la parte principal de la imagen que es la puerta en forma de arco...has de evitar que aparezcan cosas en primer plano que nos distraigan de lo que tu nos quieres mostrar. Además hay un contraluz tremendo, que hace que la foto tenga mucha menos fuerza.

En la tercera, la del interior, la imagen tiene mucho ruido o "grano" aunque eso no es culpa tuya seguramente a no ser que hayas puesto un ISO alto en la cámara, cosa que no es necesaria si vas a disparar con flash, como has hecho en esta ocasión. Las ramas del primer plano no favorecen a la foto, y de nuevo nos despistan y hacen que la vista se nos vaya por momentos a esos elementos. Tambien está inclinada, o caida, esos detalles hay que cuidarlos, pues pueden arruinar una foto.

Estoy seguro que todas estas cosas se pueden mejorar, tan solo has de pensar antes de hacer la foto, que es lo que nos quieres contar o mostrar con la imagen que nos enseñas...hay que analizar lo que ves, y rescatar con tu cámara la parte más importante o bonita de lo que te rodea...y luego hay unas reglas básicas, que no deberían de faltar, como la regla de los tercios, que ayuda a equilibrar una imagen en su composición.etc...reglas que una vez se conocen, se pueden saltar, pues se nota perfectamente cuando una de esas reglas se ha evitado de manera consciente...

Lo dicho, espero que mi cometario no te ofenda, mas bien todo lo contrario, espero que te ayude para hacer fotos mas impresionantes.

Hello Krueger, I will speak to you in Spanish, who I develop far better. I hope that they do not bother my commentaries or corrections to you, because I am not nobody to say nothing, but I believe that I do it of constructive way, and in no case I want molestarte. Everyone makes its photos as it creates, and is always good for listening to opinions of the others. I will give the mine individual you. I believe that the photos that you show to us are missed at the time of shooting, because you are not centered in anything in particular. For example, first, the one of the cathedral, you could not have made a photo but frontal, or for example centrate in some detail, like the shield, the door, etc, nevertheless in your photo, the door is not appraised, the high part of the tower either, and the shield that seems pretty when taking the composition which you have chosen you go away very unbalanced. In the second photo, the columns of the first plane, in which the flash is appraised, clear very many protagonism to him to the main part of the image that is the door in arc form… you have to avoid that they appear things in first plane that distract to us of which your you want to show to us.
In addition there is a tremendous backlighting, that causes that the photo has much less force. In the third, the one of the interior, the image has much noise or “grain” although that are not fault yours surely unless you have put a high ISO in the camera, thing that is not necessary if you are going to shoot with flash, since you have done in this occasion. The branches of the first plane do not favor to the photo, and again they confuse to us and they cause that the Vista goes away to us per moments to those elements. Also she is inclined, or fall, those details is necessary to take care of them, because they can ruin a photo. I am sure that all these things can be improved, you only have to think before making the photo, that is what you want to us to count or to show with the image that you teach to us… it is necessary to analyze what you see, and to rescue with your camera the most important part or pretty by which it surrounds to you… and soon there are basic rules, that would not have to lack, like the rule of the thirds, that helps to balance an image in his composition.etc… rules that once are known, can be jumped, because note perfectly when one of those rules has been avoided of conscious way… The saying, I hope that my comentary does not offend to you, rather quite the opposite, I hope that it helps you to make photos but impressive.
Gracias por tus comentarios, Ozzono. De ninguna manera me ofendes, al contrario. Para eso pongo mis fotos, para recibir retroalimentación y consejos y así poder mejorar ;)

Entiendo tus comentarios y los tomaré en cuenta en mis siguientes intentos. Por las circunstancias tomé las fotos de manera apresurada... necesito respirar y contar hasta 10 para tomar este tipo de fotos... especialmente cuando es poco probable regresar al sitio, al menos en unos años. ;)
Viva la Madre Patria, coño!

Thanks for your comments, Ozzono. I'm in no way offended, on the contrary. That's why I post, to get feedback and advice and be able to improve.
I understand your comments and will take them in consideration in my next attempts. Due to the circumstances I rushed thephotos... I need to breathe and count to 10 before I shoot this kind of pics, especially when it's improbable to return to the place in a couple of years.
Me alegro enormemente que mi comentario te sirva para poder disfrutar mucho más de la fotografía.
Coge con tu cámara todo lo que puedas, que aunque es pequeña cabe todo un mundo.

Un abrazo, y aupa Mexico.

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