Weekly challenge 5/22 - 5/28 Creature Double Feature


hear me roar
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Mar 18, 2013
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For this week’s challenge, post photos of pets, critters, fauna, wildlife, insects, arachnids, rodents, birds...at the zoo, at the park or in your backyard

As always, new photos only for the weekly challenge please. Get out there and shoot!

Double Creature Feature. Right now it is like living in a Hitchcock movie: there is a constant ringing sound of Cicadas. This is Brood X, 17 year. I had been thinking about this for the DOF challenge last week and then this challenge came up so I shot it twice: F11 and F4 on a Canon 300mm F4 L first generation. Handheld.

F11 (better)


Double Creature Feature. Right now it is like living in a Hitchcock movie: there is a constant ringing sound of Cicadas. This is Brood X, 17 year. I had been thinking about this for the DOF challenge last week and then this challenge came up so I shot it twice: F11 and F4 on a Canon 300mm F4 L first generation. Handheld.

F11 (better)

View attachment 244425

F4View attachment 244426
I have not seen one of these since i was a kid growing up on long island... great photos.. I remember the loud sound they make...
I have not seen one of these since i was a kid growing up on long island... great photos.. I remember the loud sound they make...
I'm sure some people hate them but I find the 17 year cycle fascinating and the sound emenating from the trees primodial. I often wonder what genes in these critters are responcible for this behavior and what we could learn from it.
I'm sure some people hate them but I find the 17 year cycle fascinating and the sound emenating from the trees primodial. I often wonder what genes in these critters are responcible for this behavior and what we could learn from it.
Yes i find everything about them interesting..just read in our paper the other day that people eat them.. i find them quite pretty.. their wings have iridescent quality.. they do not bother me at all..now stink bugs ...they bother me..3rd year in a row dealing with them..use to see them only on occasion but now every day... through out the house..in stores ..at the vets..everyone around here is invaded
For this week’s challenge, post photos of pets, critters, fauna, wildlife, insects, arachnids, rodents, birds...at the zoo, at the park or in your backyard

As always, new photos only for the weekly challenge please. Get out there and shoot!

Today I found, by doing The NY Times crossword, that the space between the ribs of an insect wing is “areola”. Last night I found this example on my stained glass lamp.

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