Weekly challenge 5/26 - 6/1 Still waters run deep...


hear me roar
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Mar 18, 2013
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For this week's challenge use water as your subject or a critical element in your photo. This can be bodies of water, rain, water drops, waterfalls, rivers, reflections in puddles... any interpretation of the theme is fine. Please use new photos only for this challenge.
I don't know if I'll be able to find any. ;)
That's what I was thinking then remembered, oh yeah they're saying hot and pop up thunderstorms all weekend... Ya know I think every theme I go, I already have pictures of that (which maybe just means I'm f'n old). With what we have here all I could give you would be muddy brown. Maybe that's why I've done water in B&W.
That's what I was thinking then remembered, oh yeah they're saying hot and pop up thunderstorms all weekend... Ya know I think every theme I go, I already have pictures of that (which maybe just means I'm f'n old). With what we have here all I could give you would be muddy brown. Maybe that's why I've done water in B&W.

water drops - reflections in puddles - raindrops on windows and whiskers on kittens...
I've been working on a series of tears. I have some images but they are old. Traveling this weekend with the inlaws, should have many to produce. You would be surprised that if you make someone very prosperous, they could bring you to tears.

At Harderwijk, The Netherlands, 117 Allied airmen lost their lives during the Second World War, these include Americans, British, Canadians, South Africans and New Zealanders. Many bombers flew over the Netherlands to bomb targets in Germany, several crashed into the IJsselmeer. Nearby at Harderwijk stood German anti-aircraft guns. This memorial commemorates all Allied airmen who were killed.
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How did they do that?
I think it's a series of small things brought together.
I think I had one of those "light bulb" moments tonight. I was checking fields and as I drove past these beets I thought, that sunlight coming through the sprinklers looks pretty cool ...... and SquarePeg's weekly challenge light bulb turned on right above my head.

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