Weekly challenge 9/25 - 10/1. Breaking all the Rules!


hear me roar
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Mar 18, 2013
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For this week’s challenge, post photos where you’ve broken one or more of the various photography “rules” and still feel it’s a successful photo. Please state which rule(s) your photo breaks. Apologies for not posting this earlier.

Some of the most popular rules:
Rule of thirds
Don’t center your subject
Don’t blow out the sky
Rule of odds
Don’t have lines leading away from the subject
Horizons must be straight
Don’t cut off body parts at the joint
Portraits should be in portrait mode
Don’t use selective color
Fill the frame
Left to right rule
Rule of space

As always, new photos only for the challenge please. Get out there and shoot!

Don't center your subject.

Okay, now I'm going to have to go out and find one of those videos that's titled something like the top 10 mistakes photographers make, and see if I can make all of them in a single image. Or maybe I'll just go back to some previous images and find one... Oh right, new images only.
Okay, now I'm going to have to go out and find one of those videos that's titled something like the top 10 mistakes photographers make, and see if I can make all of them in a single image. Or maybe I'll just go back to some previous images and find one... Oh right, new images only.

Obviously you’re joking but just to be clear for all…The point of the challenge is not to make mistakes for the sake of making mistakes. The point is to create a good photo despite breaking the standard rules. Sometimes the horizon belongs dead center. Sometimes an even number of items still looks good. Sometimes cutting a portrait off at the forehead works…
Obviously you’re joking but just to be clear for all…The point of the challenge is not to make mistakes for the sake of making mistakes. The point is to create a good photo despite breaking the standard rules. Sometimes the horizon belongs dead center. Sometimes an even number of items still looks good. Sometimes cutting a portrait off at the forehead works…
I understand. In fact I was kinda making fun of those videos and the rules. I was in Upton House in England and there was a Constable landscape in the dining room that destroyed the rule of thirds and come to think of it, had no leading lines. I wonder if anyone complained to him?
Don't have an annoying, out of focus distraction in the foreground infront of the subject and don't cut off reflections.
duck 1024-1.jpg
I think this is the hardest challenge ever. Break the rules but make it look good.

From the tennis courts tonight.

1) High f stop:. f 22
2) Jpeg - no RAW
3) Straight out of the camera except for resizing to post
4) High ISO for this camera, 1600
5) Directly at the light source
6) No thirds
7) No leading lines
8) No real subject

But in person it was beautiful.

cut off body parts... distracting background.. shot into light no raw
DSC_5028 (10).JPG

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