What are some of your favorite places/things to photograph?


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Mar 9, 2003
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Deep in the heart of Texas!
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I'm curious to know what sort of things people really enjoy photographing.

Is there a special place or area that you love to go, or are there certain subjects that you especially enjoy working with?

Personally, I love the ocean and marine life. I am also a scuba diver and I am just starting to play around with underwater photography. The idea of being able to share the experience and sights of being underwater is something that really interests me.

What sort of things do you enjoy taking photographs of?
I spend a good amount of time in the mountains climbing and skiing so most of my pics are scenic mountains. We recently picked up a fairly large telescope. I'm excited to get a camera attached to it and snap some shots of our local planets and such. My wife enjoys framing most everything frm portraits to wildlife.

Where do you dive mostly? The closest place to us would be The Sound... I hear there's some of the largest octopus up there, probably murky though.
We usually dive around Catalina Island, just off the coast from Los Angeles. It's great for the underwater kelp forests and quite a bit of small marine life. Unfortunately, I just have a cheap underwater camera and I'm still struggling to get some good quality photos.

I'm really interested in the telescope idea you mentioned. Once you get it all up and working, please post some photos on here!

no seriously, ive been taking historical/landmark photography. I have a good friend who is actually making a living doing just that. hes got talent as well.

I enjoy lots of candid family shots. It's fun when you have a big, wacky family! I also enjoy scenery alot too.
Mostly, I just like to take pictures that will generate a reaction in people.

I got into photography due to my other hobbies. Cars and scale models. I'm known as the "Corvette guy" in other bulletin boards and my web site. Little surprise, I like to photograph cars, specially Corvettes and exotics. I like macro photography because I do superdetailing of scale models. But I also like scenery. Living in Puerto Rico, there are many nice locations to take good pictures. Beaches and the sea are very popular.

id like to see some pictures that you have taken of the models. Im very interested in close ups and things like that.

Hey Ismael, I like corvette photos also. take a look at my little section at http://photoasa.com/cgi-bin/photo.fcg?uid=5592&v=4585&d= for a couple of vette shots.

My father in law has a 60 convertible fuelie and an 87 convertible L5. Very nice. Last year at the Texas Corvette Club Show, the 87 won the best in class for wash and shine and the 60 one best in class for that class. There were probably 300 cars there! This year we hope to take best in show. This weekend, we're going again....I'll try to take some vette shots for you.
You can check my web site:
I'm the webmaster. We have hundreds of scale models there from contributors all over the world. Most of my pics were shot with either a Ricoh RDC-300 or a Sony Mavica FD-85 digital cameras. Due to space limitations, pic quality is not the best. Some are scanned 35mm prints like the '85 white Corvette and the green '67 convertible.
For film macro shots I use my Pentax K-1000 with a Pentax/Takumar 28-80 macro lens.
Check out the galleries and look for my name.

I've always loved photography, but never really got into it until I had children. So most of my pics are of them.
I always like taking things really close up so they're semi abstract. You look at them and think..hmm..what on earth is that? and i say its this and people go..ohhhh

So i like taking photos of flowers and cracks in the pavement and things like that.
I just started doing that very same thing! I usually just work with nature and outdoor scenery, but lately ive been getting into the macro.


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