What do YOU do with your Delta 100?


TPF Noob!
Nov 3, 2005
Reaction score
Montreal, Canada
Hi all!

So my local photo store ran out of FP4, and I decided to pick up a few rolls of Delta 100.
Lurking around the internets, I gather it can be a little more finicky in terms of development... So what's everyone's favorite combo?
And if you have scans, do share :)

Someone on APUG tried it in Rodinal 1+50 for 13:30.
Unfortunately they didn't say what speed they shot it at, and the link to their results has since died...
Any ideas?

I use mine for Christmas tree decorations
At this point I can agree with everything as long as you support Ilford. I hope your tree is enormous, good for 3-4 bulk rolls. On the other hand to bad digital pictures are only a virtual string of electrons blops. If you can hang that, it would surely replaced the lights on the Christmas tree. :biglaugh:
Delta 100 and Rodinal ? Eh... It defeats the purpose of t-grain. Try rather Tmax developer 1+9 20C 12-13 min for nominal speed. In any case take a look at this:
FilmDev | Recipes (dev times) using film Ilford Delta 100

Yeah I also thought it was an odd combo... but everyone on that thread responded so positively to it, I was kind of curious to see his results. Granted, I've been able to get smooth enough results with Rodinal in the past, but I wouldn't waste a roll 100 ISO film on it :S
Thats because you wouldn't know what to do if you had a roll in a camera :wink:

Nah, thats just what 35mm film is best used for. Real film enthusiasts shoot MF. :wink:

I shoot both but will probably be getting a 5x4 soon :)

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I have shot 110, 35mm, and 120/220.
Got rid of most of my film gear.
My favorite by far was my pentax 110 super. Fun little camera.
Never shot 5x4 though.
Ilford HP5 is not great in Rodinal, unless you mix it 1+100 and put it in the fridge for 1 hour


And this is Tmax 100 shot at 400 because i thought i had loaded HP5, Rodinal 1+100 stand developed

Ilford HP5 is not great in Rodinal, unless you mix it 1+100 and put it in the fridge for 1 hour

I used to shoot HP5 a lot, but eventually favoured tri-x over it. Snappier.

I've also had very nice results with FP4.

Never tried the Delta 100 though. looking forward to it!
Last time I shot Delta 100 I processed it my my Jobo Autolab 1000 with D-76, stock, 5-min 75 degrees continuous agitation. No scans, all my B&W is printed in the darkroom. I made 11x14 Fiber prints and they looked very nice.
Hmm, I try to use Rodinal for all film ... but I that is just a personal opinion.

I have developed Delta 100 with a 1:25 Rodinal or 1:50 mix ... I like the look of it.

With film and development, I consider it part of the "personality" that contributes to the final image.
Hmm, I try to use Rodinal for all film ... but I that is just a personal opinion.

I used to develop everything in D76, but just out of practical considerations. Lately I got my hands on some Rodinal, which isn't easy to find in Canada because it's disguised under a different brand name (Blazinal...) It has a phenomenal shelf life, which is important for me because I'm not very consistent with how frequently I'm in the darkroom. And it gives pretty good results with Tri-x, which is my usual film, so I think it may become a new favorite :)

I do try to preserve the smoothness of low-speed films when I shoot them, even though I love me some grain.
My usual development before finding Rodinal was D76 stock, and very hot (~90F). It definitely gives personality! :D
But for some things I feel like toning it down and getting the finest possible negatives to give myself more options at the printing stage...

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