What do YOU get out of photography?

From say 7 to college it was just something neat to do.

In college I actually made quite a bit of money doing photography work. Helping others, pics for the school paper (one of the paid photogs), where I made a killing was with sports photography. $300 for 2 rolls of film handed to the parents. I was very busy, all by word of mouth. It was not necessiarly great skill, but I had a good hand at photography and I knew the sports. I had a pretty good knack of guessing what was going to happen. Got really good at being in the right position for good shots. I really loved photography, but it never occurred to me to try and go pro.

Since school I do it more for entertainment than anything else. Occasionally I get asked to do this or that, but I rarely will just due to the fact I don't want to deal with problems if I mess something up. Especially since there is no real benefit for me, money is always a dirty word. So the benefit vs. potential hassles keep me scared away. Money and favors have ruined a lot of friendships!

The closest I came to doing a wedding was just recently for a friend. She and my wife were laying on me pretty hard to do it. The whats good with this stuff if you don't use it argument came up a couple times. But my work schedule changed and I would have had to take vacation to do it. My wife ended up taking pictures along with some of her family. The friend was happy as can be with the results.

I would be more inclined to do pics for money if it were for people I don't know. Don't know why, just my train of thought. Maybe a screw is loose upstairs? But for now, I do it just becasue I like to do it.
A paycheck every other Wednesday. ;) :D

But seriously, I enjoy telling stories with photos. Love the feeling when I take a shot and I know instantly without reviewing it that i was the "perfect" shot.

On a more vain level I also enjoy the public recognition. I can't go anywhere without someone recognizing me as the news photog. Also being known by all the cops, fire fighters, and city officials has it's perks. The events i get into for free is also nice.
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Mostly I hope to evoke a feeling or an emotion. When I successfully do this I feel pride and joy. It goes much deeper then that, but this forum is not the place for that kind of talk.

Love & Bass
It gets me out the house and does feed my creative side more than anything else Im into.. I go to more places now when before I had my camera I would just think about going.
It gets me out the house and does feed my creative side more than anything else I'm into.. I go to more places now when before I had my camera I would just think about going.

and also what lostprophet said above, I tend to forget about everything else and just think about the photo I'm wanting to take.

it also gives me a empty wallet way to often though :x
it stops me thinking about my life
For me it is like taking little vacations. I travel around and, just shoot pictures. Astronomy was the same for me but, unfortunately I havent been able to do that with my work schedule. For me looking at Jupiter, Saturn and, other objects was almost like being there.
The greatest photographic achievement is selflessness.
The greatest photographic worth is self-mastery.
The greatest photographic quality is seeking to serve others.
The greatest photographic precept is continual awareness.
The greatest photographic medicine is the emptiness of everything.
The greatest photographic action is not conforming with the worlds ways.
The greatest photographic magic is transmuting the passions.
The greatest photographic generosity is non-attachment.
The greatest photographic goodness is a peaceful mind.
The greatest photographic patience is humility.
The greatest photographic effort is not concerned with results.
The greatest photographic meditation is a mind that lets go.
The greatest photographic wisdom is seeing through appearances.

Remember always that you are just a visitor here, a traveler passing through. your stay is but short and the moment of your departure unknown.

None can take photographs without toil and a craft that provides your needs is a blessing indeed. But if you toil at photography without rest, fatigue and wearness will overtake you, and you will denied the joy that comes from labour's end.

Take photographs quietly and kindly and be not forward with either opinions or advice. If you talk much, this will make you deaf to what others say, and you should know that there are few so wise that they cannot learn from others photographs.

Be near when help is needed, but far when praise and thanks are being offered.

Take small account of might, wealth and fame, for they soon pass and are forgotten. Instead, nurture love within your photography and and strive to be a friend to all photographers. Truly, compassion is a balm for many wounds.

Treasure silence when you find it, and while being mindful of your duties, set time aside, to be alone with yourself and you photography.

Cast off pretense and self-deception and see yourself as you really are.
Despite all appearances, no one is really an evil photographer. They are led astray by ignorance. If you ponder this truth always you will offer more light, rather then blame and condemnation of their photography.

You, no less than all beings have Daguerre's Nature within. Your essential Mind is pure. Therefore, when defilements and new technology cause you to stumble and fall, let not remorse nor dark foreboding cast you down. Be of good cheer and with this understanding, summon strength and photograph on.

Photography is like a lamp and wisdom makes the flame burn bright. Carry this lamp always and in good time the darkness will yield and you will abide in the Light. :hippie: :sun: :sillysmi:

And sometime it makes it easier to get L@!#.:lol: :lol: :lol: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:
Without reading much in this thread (I dont want to copyright anyone) ive come up with a thought...

What i get out of photography. Simply i have a art background my sister does and my brother does too they are both amazing artists i get to express my emotion and thoughts in a way a pencil or piece of paper cant (for me atleast) I cant draw the places ive been, the portraits of people, the thoughts i have about something, or the wildlife and nature i want to shoot. simple as that. to carry around a camera hanging from my neck and simply pick it up and express my ideas and inner self rather than spending hours drawing or throwing away pieces of art that i thought were alright is amazing to me.

Sadly photography class is only in 12th grade. the last year of highschool
I like photography so I can edit it later on. Call me crazy, but that's how I feel.

I'm more of a Adobe Photoshop head...lovin' to tweak up pics and what not that I take.

I can take a pic with a garbage camera and make it look better than any Nikon D40 or Sony or Olympus, whatever.

So, that's why I continue to take pics. Because I love the challenge of making it look BETTER than what the image truly is.
I like photography so I can edit it later on. Call me crazy, but that's how I feel.

But dont you want to get that feeling that its your original work and its wasnt edited and enhanced to make the shot look better dont you feel like photoshop did half what you're camera is doing?
It gives me an excuse to head for the middle of nowhere. That's where I'm happiest.

This is an endeavor with few entry barriers. Seventy zillion photos get taken every day. Even the best results will be short-lived and quickly forgotten. You'd better enjoy the process and have fun. I do.
I get to wildly spend money on an addiction that gives me a buzz and not likely to be jailed for.

It also teaches my children that they should probably start saving money for themselves early on.

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