What happend here ?


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Feb 28, 2011
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Toronto ON
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A little quiz guys. Pictures bellow are showing some weird emulsion behavior. Pictures show whole sheet of 8x10.

One hint: it is not bad fixing. Fixing was fine.
A whole sheet of paper, or a whole sheet of film?
That prints of whole 6x6 negative on 8x10 paper. The empty space beneath pictures is unexposed portion of paper.
So the issue is on the film, not the paper?
Yeah, that's some weird emulsion behavior alright!

I would have thought fixer, because doing ferrotyping I managed to drop too much glycerin into the fix once and ended up with a mess... so I could maybe recreate some sloppy fixer. lol Did you by chance spill/drip something else into the developer or stop? That's all that comes to mind.
Weak developer is my first suspect.
I know what the Imperial Reflex is, it wouldn't be just the camera...

It looks like a big schmear of some sort got across the paper. An oil slick?? lol Did something or someone get into your chemistry? one of the trays had a greasy or oily substance of some sort in it before you filled it?

(I didn't do it, I'm staying away from your darkroom with my glycerin! lol)
I know what the Imperial Reflex is, it wouldn't be just the camera...

It looks like a big schmear of some sort got across the paper. An oil slick?? lol Did something or someone get into your chemistry? one of the trays had a greasy or oily substance of some sort in it before you filled it?

(I didn't do it, I'm staying away from your darkroom with my glycerin! lol)
Nope. I have 300 sheets which will print like that right now. Lol...:angry:
Weak developer is my first suspect.
No, it is RC paper, image would be faint if the developer would be spent, but not mottled.
One more hint; what happened to this emulsion, happened outside the darkroom.
OK, was what happened to the paper a mistake or did you do this on purpose?
I take it that it happened outside the darkroom before the printing was done as you have another 300 sheets like this.

Interesting that the effect on both images seems very similar.
It got x-rayed.
OK, was what happened to the paper a mistake or did you do this on purpose?
I take it that it happened outside the darkroom before the printing was done as you have another 300 sheets like this.

Interesting that the effect on both images seems very similar.
OK. It was sort of accident. Not intended, I wouldn't destroy on purpose 500 sheets of 8x10 and another 500 of 5x7. It happened on the way between store and darkroom.
You were abducted by (bacon-eating) aliens whilst toting your mysterious light-sensitive sheets home and their.......... um............... 'medical exam' of you exposed both you and the paper to some mysterious energy field.

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