what were you thinking about?


The Freshmaker!
Jun 29, 2004
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Poland, Sz-n
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what were you thinking about today? anything special? need hugs? here you go :hugs: !!
About the TPF Guide to Photography, Life and the Universe mostly - although I should have been thinking about what I was being paid to do.... TPF takes precedence though :lol:
Whether my car or tent will sell on ebay this time round, and whether I should sell my 28mm and my 80-200mm so I can try and sqeeze a smaller car, a roof box for my current one and an L series zoom (pref 70-200 2.8 but I'm a realist) out of the cash that I should make without the wife getting a whiff of the cost of the lens, and without digging into beer/holiday money.

Have to wait till Tuesday to find out I suppose.
mentos_007 said:
what were you thinking about today? anything special? need hugs? here you go :hugs: !!

I was thinking what i should have been doing with my weekend!.... really want to go out in my car and take pics..... but i'v failed my test twice :confused:.....damn pedestrians keep getting in the way. so i cant drive it yet :er: ....so yea i wouldn't mind a hug from a polish girl* :hug::

*who wouldn't.
tempra said:
Whether my car or tent will sell on ebay this time round, and whether I should sell my 28mm and my 80-200mm so I can try and sqeeze a smaller car, a roof box for my current one and an L series zoom (pref 70-200 2.8 but I'm a realist) out of the cash that I should make without the wife getting a whiff of the cost of the lens, and without digging into beer/holiday money.

Have to wait till Tuesday to find out I suppose.

She knows you have a camera? :shock:
PlasticSpanner said:
She knows you have a camera? :shock:

I can see six in front of me at the moment, and another 3 or 4 are in a bag at the side of my desk, so yes, she has an idea that I have one :mrgreen:
Thinking about how I am going to pay the bills this month. Which job I should take - they go together I guess. and trying to get rid of this headache.
Thinking about the next step in my teardrop camper project. I'm building a "woodie" version of a 1947 teardrop camper (tiny little self-contained camper) that I can use for little vacations, photo trips, and a doghouse when I'm in trouble with the better half.
I never seem to have the time, money, and energy all at the same time so, yeah, I could use a hug too... Thanks Alex... here's one for you too...:hugs:

So now we've unloaded on you - what have you been thinking about?
mentos_007 said:
what were you thinking about today? anything special? need hugs? here you go :hugs: !!

My new camera, a Bronica ETRSi 6x4.5 medium format camera, which the postman brought this morning. And the 10 rolls of Ilford Pan F+ 120 that I bought when I was in Silverprint in London a few days ago, and how I really wish I had bought FP4 instead, and the things I need to get at the DIY store tomorrow to make blackout shutters for the darkroom in the spare bedroom.

And how cold it is for March, and how glad I am that we have a wood burning stove and a very large pile of logs!


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