What would you put on a 3x5 flash card?


Supporting Member
May 15, 2003
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Gilbert, AZ
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Say you had a 3x5 card with tables and tips on it to throw in your camera bag. What sort of things would you put on it.

Obviously I would put the sunny F16 table on it:

1/3200 sec @ f2.8
1/2500 sec @ f3.2
1/2000 sec @ f3.5
1/1600 sec @ f4.0
1/1250 sec @ f4.5
1/1000 sec @ f5.0
1/800 sec @ f5.6
1/640 sec @ f6.3
1/500 sec @ f7.1
1/400 sec @ f8.0
1/320 sec @ f9.0
1/250 sec @ f10.0
1/200 sec @ f11.0
1/160 sec @ f13.0
1/125 sec @ f14.0
1/100 sec @ f16.0

perhaps some other exposure tables...
Like shooting fireworks is F8 for ISO 100... maybe a table to compensate for reciprocity failure.

Let's hear what you would include
my grocery list
things to do list
ideas of places to shoot
*remember to take "pill" at 6pm :P
dinner menu
do laundry
get nails done
be home by 6:30pm
check email
call mom
practice panaramic and 360° software
get on hubby's nerves :lol:
buy hubby beer
remind hubby eggs have better quality before age 35 :lol:
(metroshane & Dew - you guys crack me up!!!)

...when first starting out with my photography and shooting B&W, i carried one of these


and a ZONE WHEEL in my kit

(A ready reckoner for flash-guide numbers can be useful, too)

These days i only carry a colour conversion card for balancing light

Nice thread, voodoocat!




P.S. depending on your monitor's calibration, the zone chart may not render correctly here

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