When people say a pregnant woman is, "glowing," I imagine something like this!


TPF Noob!
Jul 8, 2013
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She was just adorable! Her and her husband were hilarious and so down to earth. I love working with people like this! And although some shots may be a bit cheesy, they were exactly what the client wanted, so they're exactly what the client got! ;)

These are nice. #4 woulda been awesome, but that big rock behind her... Meh
I like the last one. It might be a bit cool though. I would work on your posing. Arms should be relaxed, and never in that stiff position. Pinterest is a really great tool to create posing boards for a quick referral tool.
Thanks for the great tips and comments. I definitely agree about the rock... I love that image and would've loved it WAY more without the rock. -__- Hindsight is so crystal clear lol
I like the last one. It might be a bit cool though. I would work on your posing. Arms should be relaxed, and never in that stiff position. Pinterest is a really great tool to create posing boards for a quick referral tool.


I really like the last one. For me, some of these are just on the verge of too contrasty-saturated, most notably the third photo. The greens are just so overwhelming, and there are a lot of crushed blacks. I think getting in a little closer and blurring that background with a longer focal length or a wider aperture would have made this shot seem to be much more about her and less about her environment.

But the last one is a winner for sure.
I really like the last one. For me, some of these are just on the verge of too contrasty-saturated, most notably the third photo. The greens are just so overwhelming, and there are a lot of crushed blacks. I think getting in a little closer and blurring that background with a longer focal length or a wider aperture would have made this shot seem to be much more about her and less about her environment.

But the last one is a winner for sure.

I agree with everything the bobcat said.
I really like 3. The editing on that one is nice too. Very bold.
Number 3 is my favourite. I like the rich greenery behind her and the way it works with her pregnancy symbolically. Very nice.

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