TPF Noob!
I started the 1st of this year. I am learning techniques and everything I can when I take my photos. But now I have come to the point where I am feeling limited when it comes to my editing. I am currently using a free online program.. Ipiccy.com... I have no poblem going out and buy a "beginners" editing program if it comes to that given the fact that I am a what would you call a "starving" artist haha just saying I am on a budget and wouldn't be able to spend more than a $100 on a program at first. So what I am asking is.. is there a step up from ipiccy or is it better to go buy a program and what program?
Note* Yes I have heard of gimp and "tried" to use it once or twice and didn't like it. I don't think it goes with my style of editing
Note* Yes I have heard of gimp and "tried" to use it once or twice and didn't like it. I don't think it goes with my style of editing