Where to do decent editing.. on a budget


TPF Noob!
Nov 8, 2012
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I started the 1st of this year. I am learning techniques and everything I can when I take my photos. But now I have come to the point where I am feeling limited when it comes to my editing. I am currently using a free online program.. Ipiccy.com... I have no poblem going out and buy a "beginners" editing program if it comes to that given the fact that I am a what would you call a "starving" artist haha just saying I am on a budget and wouldn't be able to spend more than a $100 on a program at first. So what I am asking is.. is there a step up from ipiccy or is it better to go buy a program and what program?

Note* Yes I have heard of gimp and "tried" to use it once or twice and didn't like it. I don't think it goes with my style of editing
Specifics on your issues with your current program. Specifics on why you didn't like GIMP. FYI, GIMP's interface has been revamped recently. Paint.net may be worth looking at.
I like the simplicity of ipiccy. GIMP is to technical for me at the moment. I have dappled in photo layering and cloning a tiny bit.. but nothing more advanced than that
Photoshop is going to be as technical as GIMP. When you're ready to accept that learning curve, bite the bullet and invest in the industry standard, Photoshop. If you can't justify this basic expense you really shouldn't be in business, IMHO.
What about the last version of Lightroom? The Adobe Lightroom 4 is around $95 in Amazon. If you are a student, the Lightroom5 is around $80. You can download a free trial version and see if that is something for you.
Photoshop is going to be as technical as GIMP. When you're ready to accept that learning curve, bite the bullet and invest in the industry standard, Photoshop. If you can't justify this basic expense you really shouldn't be in business, IMHO.
Did the OP mention he was in business?
I get were your coming from and you must of not read i am beginner i know i have to learn the technical part about photoshop im just saying im not there yet.. so yes one day i will bite the bullet but not at the moment so i think im perfectly allowed to be in the business and go at my own speed. But thankyou for you opinion
What about the last version of Lightroom? The Adobe Lightroom 4 is around $95 in Amazon. If you are a student, the Lightroom5 is around $80. You can download a free trial version and see if that is something for you.
I have dappled in photo layering and cloning
Then LR would not satisfy. LR is suited more towards photo organization not heavy editing.

Did the OP mention he was in business?
I want to share my talent with you at an affordable price. If you look through my albums and are interested in setting up a session please send me a message for details.
Yes, when she posted her FB link.

i think im perfectly allowed to be in the business and go at my own speed.
Of course you are, as long as you're doing everything legal, you are under no obligation to buy an expensive program. For a hobbyist PS is a pricey pill to swallow, but for the vast majority of professionals, having PS is a basic business expense. Judging from your stated needs and the fact that you're doing this for money, it should be high on your priority list.
Posts relating to or advocating software piracy will NOT be tolerated on TPF! How would you like it if Adobe "downloaded" one of your images and used it as the cover on their next release of Lightroom with no credit or payment to you?
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