These 3 pictures are very similar, but I would like to only include 1 in the gallery and can't make up my mind which one. Do any of one of these 3 really stand out to you?
Well, my mind might be playing tricks on me, but I do believe #3, as the horizon is straight (It isn't in #1 and #2 ?), and there is no bird (as in #2?) which I originally thought might be a speck of dust on my screen.
About the shot, I am curious if you have tried cropping off some of the right hand side to move the tree a tad bit off centre? Other than that, I love the ripples in the water, the deep blue of the sky and the clouds. Nice picture
I'm glad I see my first impression confirmed in Peanuts' post: also I thought "Hang on, isn't the horizon only level in 3?" And yes, I guess that is so. Which makes me vote for 3.
Apart from that, they all three seem to be quite centred ... but a nice little crop can easily see to that. I like all else that Peanuts likes, too!