who is pro photographer s?????????


TPF Noob!
Feb 23, 2014
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who is the pro photographer , I started about 1 year ago i wanna Be pro :( .
Depends on one's definition of 'pro'.

Someone who has managed to sell some of their work? Someone who pays their mortgage & car payments and sends their kids to college by taking & selling images? Someone who just takes photos for fun, and has sold a print or two?
One time in band camp.....
I am the pro photographer. All other "pro" photographers are imitators.
A professional is generally defined as being an expert at what they do, or is defined as being paid for what they do.

Consequently some number of way less than expert professional photographers get paid to do photography.

Today, the vast majority of professional photographers work freelance and are self-employed.
Staff photographer jobs pretty much no longer exist in the US.
I have no idea what the situation is like in or around Iraq.
who is the pro photographer , I started about 1 year ago i wanna Be pro :( .
Find a pro who can teach you the business, then you can be a pro one day.

Pffft. Just buy a compact camera, set up a FaceSpace page, stick an ad on Craigslist and walla! Instant Pro!
Pffft. Just buy a compact camera, set up a FaceSpace page, stick an ad on Craigslist and walla! Instant Pro!
And a watermark. You must have a big, honkin' watermark.
Pffft. Just buy a compact camera, set up a FaceSpace page, stick an ad on Craigslist and walla! Instant Pro!
And a watermark. You must have a big, honkin' watermark.

I'm such a
who is the pro photographer , I started about 1 year ago i wanna Be pro :( .

There are a number of pros on here. What exactly are you hoping for? Want some help? Want someone to critique your photos? Are you asking for some local pro to offer you personal tutoring? More information will help with your quest.
What sort of photography are you interested in? What sort of photography is there a market for in your area? While it may not seem like it at first, there's a LOT of information and skill that the true professional has at his fingertips, and that generally comes from years and years of practice. Photography is one of the few areas where you can be an expert and a professional without going to school and studying for 3-4 years, but it takes a lot of work nonetheless. Tell us a little more about yourself and your photography, and maybe we can help you achieve your goal.
I am a protogapher. I only take photos of pro photographers.

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