Why does brainfreeze hurt soooo much...

P.S. Slurpees are for kids, mine was in reference to an Ice Capacino. Mmmmmm. Perfect summer drink.
Slurpees are not for kids! A math teacher I had a few years ago my brother has now who's in his late 50's comes into the gas station i work at weekly and buys a huge coke slush! In fact, the majority of those buying slurpees are people in their 20's and 30's.

Brainfreeze is caused when the slurpee hits the roof of your mouth. That's all I know. :lol:
LittleMan said:

Just watch yourself...I'll be comin to Texas in a few months, ya know...

...and to be honest, I don't think I've had an actual SLURPEE...is it the same thing as a slushie? And it's been a long time since I've had one, but I'm sure I still like em! :P
slurpee, slushie, it's all the same thing. I just call it a slurpee cuz i like the sound of it. :drool:
core_17 said:
Just watch yourself...I'll be comin to Texas in a few months, ya know...

...and to be honest, I don't think I've had an actual SLURPEE...is it the same thing as a slushie? And it's been a long time since I've had one, but I'm sure I still like em! :P
in that case... YOU betta watch yourself! :lol:
Introduce her to your pet Brown Recluse. That'll keep her quiet.

And people can be old and still be kids, they're called "special".
bace said:
Introduce her to your pet Brown Recluse. That'll keep her quiet.

And people can be old and still be kids, they're called "special".

LilChris is our LilBro...he'll be nice to me. :mrgreen:
I'd be nice to you too. You're just too loveable and innocent to be treated any other way.
Because it's YOU who posted that, I'm not sure if that's laced with sarcasm or not...but I'll just take it as a compliment. :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

Shut up, I am not dumb!

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