winter morning


TPF Noob!
Dec 5, 2005
Reaction score
Central IL
My birthday is coming up next week. I feel old, even though I'm not.
I have always had trouble getting in front of the lens, as you can tell by my uncomfortable-ness in these. I've decided to work on that this year. So here I am...

Don't force that uncomfortableness out of you: based on these photos, it makes for a super interesting subject! Nervousness, shyness, anxiety, all of those are huge components to human character, and capturing them is nothing but great. As far as these two shots go, I think #2 is great, #1 is just okay. I like the emotion captured in #2, you can see some uneasiness in your eyes, it's good.
This makes for a really wonderful diptych. I like the uncertainty in the first, from the fact that only part of you is visible. And then you're sort of "revealed" in the second one but no less uncertain.

And you look a bit like Rob Thomas.

And can I buy a print of "Conversation (toilet)" from you? I think it's better than Weston's "Excusado."
Thanks alot guys,
That's a bold statement and quite a compliment Max. I'd be happy to sell you a print. Send me an email with what size you'd like.
[email protected]
Eh I think Excusado is one of his most overrated works.

I'll shoot you that email.

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