Wish Lists for 2020 - 2021


No longer a newbie, moving up!
Oct 21, 2016
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I'll think of something later. Maybe in time for 2022. :)
Probably a mirrorless set up and a vaccine free future. May get 50% of my wishes I fear.
An end to the pandemic.
No more pain for MLW.
200-500 f/5.6 Nikkor (a couple more months)
Health, wealth, and happiness.
Probably a mirrorless set up and a vaccine free future. May get 50% of my wishes I fear.
I think I shall carry my wishes into 2022 and likely beyond.🙄😪
nothing just work, studies all going at once hard to handle you know.
I can relate, working a job and going to school at the same time is hard, it's been well over 45 years since I did the same.
Hoping, praying and wishing the housing market goes to the buyer next year and not continue to be a sellers market.

SCOTTY WANTS A HOUSE (well, a big garage for my Ford Mustangs with a little house next to it.......LOL).

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