without substance questions....


TPF Noob!
Jun 27, 2003
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1. how many times do u hit the snooze button in the morning?

2. do u prefer the toilet paper over or under?

3. do u drive through puddles or around them?

4. do u secretly read ur spouse/partner tabloid gossip paper?

5. if u would have one super-power, what would it be?

6. if u found a large sum on money on the street, would u keep it?

7. if u dropped a one cent (or eqivalent) on the ground, would u pick it up?

8. if u saw someone dragging toilet paper on their feet, would u tell them?

*feeling quite silly today* :lol:
1. Twice
2. Under
3. Through
4. No
5. Ever see Orgasmo? :twisted:
6. Hell yeah, I've had no breaks since being laid off 2 yrs ago
7. No
8. Sure
1. how many times do u hit the snooze button in the morning?
every 9 minutes :))
2. do u prefer the toilet paper over or under?
3. do u drive through puddles or around them?
4. do u secretly read ur spouse/partner tabloid gossip paper?
sure, in the bathroom
5. if u would have one super-power, what would it be?
x-ray vision :shock:
6. if u found a large sum on money on the street, would u keep it?
of course
7. if u dropped a one cent (or eqivalent) on the ground, would u pick it up?
8. if u saw someone dragging toilet paper on their feet, would u tell them?
depends who it is

*somebody's got too much time on her hand :>*
1. 0
2. over
3. through
4. nope
5. x ray vision(thanks doxx, beat me too it.)
6. yep
7. nope
8. nope

1. Never. I'm retired (he he)
2. TP must be over, or else!
3. Through
4. She doesn't read them either.
5. Stay healthy in my old age.
6. You betcha!
7. I have dropped and left many.
8. If a stranger, no.
1. how many times do u hit the snooze button in the morning?
I dunno.....too sleeply to remember!!!!

2. do u prefer the toilet paper over or under?

3. do u drive through puddles or around them?

4. do u secretly read ur spouse/partner tabloid gossip paper?

5. if u would have one super-power, what would it be?

6. if u found a large sum on money on the street, would u keep it?

7. if u dropped a one cent (or eqivalent) on the ground, would u pick it up?

8. if u saw someone dragging toilet paper on their feet, would u tell them?
I dunno :roll: .......
answers to my own silly questions :lol:

1. how many times do u hit the snooze button in the morning?
never, up about 6 am

2. do u prefer the toilet paper over or under?

3. do u drive through puddles or around them?
around them

4. do u secretly read ur spouse/partner tabloid gossip paper?
dont have too, i buy them *shhhhh* :o

5. if u would have one super-power, what would it be?

6. if u found a large sum on money on the street, would u keep it?
i probably would, but i'd be paranoid its a set-up :lol:

7. if u dropped a one cent (or eqivalent) on the ground, would u pick it up?
never have

8. if u saw someone dragging toilet paper on their feet, would u tell them?
.. i always do, stranger or no
1. how many times do u hit the snooze button in the morning?
Never! I wake up whenever my alarm tells me to. Although often with this expression on my face: :evil:

2. do u prefer the toilet paper over or under?

3. do u drive through puddles or around them?
Well, if I could drive, I would definitely drvie through them. Whats the fun in avoiding puddles? :D

4. do u secretly read ur spouse/partner tabloid gossip paper?
tabloids are fun. hehe.

5. if u would have one super-power, what would it be?
the ability to change my appearance, ala Mystique in X-men

6. if u found a large sum on money on the street, would u keep it?
probably (I'm a horrible person. No morals. :lol: )

7. if u dropped a one cent (or eqivalent) on the ground, would u pick it up?
yup, why not?

8. if u saw someone dragging toilet paper on their feet, would u tell them?
1. how many times do u hit the snooze button in the morning?

mmmm...snoooze button....although I wake up a decent time so I would have to say 0.

2. do u prefer the toilet paper over or under?

eh, depends on the day..I dont like to be predicable ;)

3. do u drive through puddles or around them?

Through baby, with a 4x4 there is nothing but luv for the mud

4. do u secretly read ur spouse/partner tabloid gossip paper?

naw read it in front, that way if I have questions ;)

5. if u would have one super-power, what would it be?

hmm...I would have to say ability to turn invisible.

6. if u found a large sum on money on the street, would u keep it?

Naw I would give a little to bayliner, a little to seadoo, some to the mall

7. if u dropped a one cent (or equivalent) on the ground, would u pick it up?


8. if u saw someone dragging toilet paper on their feet, would u tell them?

sure... :twisted:
how many times do u hit the snooze button in the morning?
if i have something to do none, but i have this strange habit of setting it when i don't, then just turning it off

2. do u prefer the toilet paper over or under?

i don't really understand this question

3. do u drive through puddles or around them?

around, can't take the risk in the 78 mustange

4. do u secretly read ur spouse/partner tabloid gossip paper?

if she had em

5. if u would have one super-power, what would it be?

The ability to eat my hand and it grow back and not hurt either

6. if u found a large sum on money on the street, would u keep it?

I guess I'm the only moral person here, unless i couldn't find who it belonged to

7. if u dropped a one cent (or equivalent) on the ground, would u pick it up?

naw, but if it is someone else's i find i will. (small amounts only)

8. if u saw someone dragging toilet paper on their feet, would u tell them?

sure... icon_twisted.gif
1. how many times do u hit the snooze button in the morning?

2. do u prefer the toilet paper over or under?

3. do u drive through puddles or around them?

4. do u secretly read ur spouse/partner tabloid gossip paper?

5. if u would have one super-power, what would it be?
Be able to mind read

6. if u found a large sum on money on the street, would u keep it?

7. if u dropped a one cent (or eqivalent) on the ground, would u pick it up?
The coin would probably hit me on the back of my neck. :D

8. if u saw someone dragging toilet paper on their feet, would u tell them?
No/Yes ...not sure

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