Woman On A Train


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Apr 1, 2004
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Very thought provoking. I was listening to music and it sorta was trippy to think about where she was going or coming from.......I love these type of shots, and they are not easy to get without the subjects seeing you and ceasing to be natural
IMO the post makes the shot. thought provoking indeed! when i view some of your shots, i often wonder what the scene looks like viewing back from their perspective ;)
yea, i don't mind the post, would maybe have been more distracting if it was in focus, but being out, its fine. I like the light in this shot, the way its singling out the woman from the other people on the train, gives her more importance. :thumbup:
have to agree about the posts, they make the picture
I like the post too... for me, it divides the light and dark. Beautiful tones (as always)! Nice shot!
Yes, the "post" is definitely a rule-breaker. It would have been easy to avoid it but was never a consideration in the setup and capture of this shot. The right, darker side is caused by the presence of a darkened plexiglass.

Thanks to all of you for your comments and critique - it is always appreciated as I never know if what I see will be seen by others. I shy away from providing an interpretation of my own images so as to let the image speak however it may to each viewer - but in this case some of you have touched on some aspects that made me like and post it - particularly the dark and light sides, to me, being a representation of the dream and real states travellers often go through in that relaxed, dozing state of mind.


P.S. JonMikal, I thought maybe you would have noticed the map - taken on the Blue line.

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