Yep, you guessed it... More Tshirt stuff.


the TPF moderators rock my world!
Nov 12, 2006
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I have more if anyone is interested in seeing them, but for now, here is 3 for 1:

LOL 43 views and not a single comment.

I suppose these are becoming to boring? Or I post too many?

Oh well, back to the drawing board!

Ok, I will post a comment. I love your tee shirt shots. I will say this. I had to pick up the lap top and hold it close to read them. Maybe when you put all three in one frame it detracts you from the tshirt. I will say that shots are all technically fine. I might have a bit more headroom on the middle one though. I also have a thing about cutting off body parts. You are focusing on the t shirt so that is expected but for a shot you might want to crop it up higher above the knee or have her whole body in the shot. That adds complexity to the shot though so maybe a bit higher up above the knee will keep it simpler.
Great shots. 1st picture grabs my attention. Great details on the sand and ocean. Loving the fringe. Your model is quite attractive. :)
Ok, I will post a comment. I love your tee shirt shots. I will say this. I had to pick up the lap top and hold it close to read them. Maybe when you put all three in one frame it detracts you from the tshirt. I will say that shots are all technically fine. I might have a bit more headroom on the middle one though. I also have a thing about cutting off body parts. You are focusing on the t shirt so that is expected but for a shot you might want to crop it up higher above the knee or have her whole body in the shot. That adds complexity to the shot though so maybe a bit higher up above the knee will keep it simpler.

OH yeah, they are not normally this small on ads and whatnot. I appreciate the comment about the awkward crop though, and will take that into consideration!

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