My 2023 Projects and My Plans for 2024


No longer a newbie, moving up!
Oct 21, 2016
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About My 2023 "Time and Fallen Leaves"

Of all the photographic projects I worked on this year, I am happy about completing my music video for Akmu's "Time and Fallen Leaves. The song itself is beautiful and it was performed exceptionally in its recording. It evokes images that can be represented in real forms -- by going out and taking pictures or making videos, and that in turn can inspire people to go out and look around for themselves.

My "Time and Fallen Leaves" video was done Nov 21, 2023, and I think I posted it just after playing it back once, with maybe a short delay. I had already decided that I was not going to do more work on it (for now) and I wanted to get it posted. If this sounds like it was rushed, I would say that it was and it wasn't.

First, keep in mind that the song was about 8-9 years old before I even started photography for my MV. So on the one hand, putting it off till another year was not that big a deal. But I did want to get it done at that time in part because I felt interest in the song deserved to be revived ,and I felt that I had an idea that could do so, and also the point of reviving interest in the song to me was to draw peoples attention to the beauty of the leaves changing colours and dropping, which was happening. As I have said, I hoped to encourage people to go out and experience the event for themselves.

So my idea was to record leaves on trees that had turned colors, record leaves falling, and record leaves on the ground. And within each group, get some variety in sizes and colours and development (aging). If possible, I wanted to include a variety of weather effects, and context of the enivronment. So I wanted to get all that into about 4 min. Ok. . . .

Early on, I decided to record everything in Full HD. I have 4K recording capability, primarily in my Sony AX53 camcorder, and using my Sony a6400 APS-C camera. I can add further coverage using my Lumix G85 and my Yi-M1. But lately I had issues with storage and editing, and also I had a major advantage working in Full HD. I had very high multiple zooms in my Full HD camcorders (roughly 50x) with very long telephoto (possibly into 1000mm equivalent focal lengths) at that end, with autofocus support, and "other options". So I decided early on that my final release would be Full HD this year.

The result was satisfactory. Maybe next year someone else will do better. Maybe I was make another try at it myself. But for now, it is a nice memory of a project I found was worth the effort.

About IU's Holssi (Dandelion seed) for 2024

My "Time and Fallen Leaves" music video starts with a milkweed seed (or at least the fluff from the seed) floating through the air with the sound guitars in the background (I think there were two guitars). That was mainly luck. I had actually started recording a squirrel running up a tree, and if you know video editing, it is a good idea to record longer after the end of what you intend to include to adjust for fade-out, or put a voice over. or anything else. As the recording ran, I saw the milkweed seed float into the scene and decided to record its passage. I did not know exactly what I was going to do with it. When I saw it, I decided it would make a good opening for my MV against the opening guitar strumming. It was purely accidental that the length of the flight matched the guitar opening as perfectly as it did. The peaceful flight of the seed contrasts nicely with the guitar strumming and makes a nice lead into the fairly slower pace of the singing.

IU has just recently released her MV for her song "Holssi" which is a dandelion seed. I never even considered trying to record a dandelion seed flight because it would have been impractical in a natural setting. I can think of a way to "fake" such a flight, but the effort would have been more than I had time for back then. Now? Would I try something like that just for "fun"? I don't know. I have no current plans to do so.
I think it sounds like a lovely project, and certainly right up your alley! Nice going.
Good for you, thank you for sharing !
Ugh, goals...I am making g headway into some of my photography goals, so thanks you for the kick in the ass :)
I do want to get into more videos of my experiences and have done 2 that are NO way professional but family and friends do enjoyed.

Non photography, am writing 10 notes to my nieces and 1 nephew that I am proud of them. Times are tough but they are all self reliant. Not rich but are part of a loving family.
It's never too late to 3xpress that.
Good for you, thank you for sharing !
Ugh, goals...I am making g headway into some of my photography goals, so thanks you for the kick in the ass :)
I do want to get into more videos of my experiences and have done 2 that are NO way professional but family and friends do enjoyed.

Non photography, am writing 10 notes to my nieces and 1 nephew that I am proud of them. Times are tough but they are all self reliant. Not rich but are part of a loving family.
It's never too late to 3xpress that.

Well, the planned project is a long way off and may change. I'm not sure when dandelion seeds are ready. I think I have seen them late summer? Maybe half a year away? But at least I have some ideas about how to get it done. We'll see. . . .

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