A.I. Photography - Are we doomed?

AI doesn't have a soul, a heart, or a moral basis of decision making. It's just a more fancy program written by programmers. Nothing new.

A heart, as a philosophical thing, is just a series of neurons firing in your brain. Same goes for a soul, morals, etc... all just neurons firing along pathways that have been encouraged or discouraged as part of our brain's development. Which is exactly how a neural net works.

We are all just machines. We just happen to be squishy ones.

And even if NONE of that were true... it doesn't change the fact that, behaviorally, machines will be able to replace us.
A heart, as a philosophical thing, is just a series of neurons firing in your brain. Same goes for a soul, morals, etc... all just neurons firing along pathways that have been encouraged or discouraged as part of our brain's development. Which is exactly how a neural net works.

We are all just machines. We just happen to be squishy ones.

And even if NONE of that were true... it doesn't change the fact that, behaviorally, machines will be able to replace us.
But they shouldn't because they can't make moral decisions. They can't love, feel, emote.
That's coming out now, look at the Google mess with their prejudicial programming. Sadly the code is not sterile, it's generated by humans, who conscious or not have an influence on the outcome. IMO even if, "God Forbid", the code becomes self generative, who's to say it won't develop it's own prejudices.

Fingers crossed hey! With basically every powerful opinion now being lobbied by billionaires with ill intentions, I'd be open for a synthetic entity to decide itself. Whatever it comes up with can't be worse than the current garbage that is forced upon the masses...
First of all, Computer Generated Imagery is not photography, it is illustration. I have seen posts from people who say that the camera will be obsolete, replaced by CGI and never needed again. When I ask how they will get CGI to record their family portraits, or their daughters' weddings, they say that you can put them in any setting you want, anywhere in the world. You can record a wedding in Paris without ever leaving Wichita. Okay, but who is in the pictures? How does the program know who my daughter is and what her aunts and uncles look like?

If I want a picture of my (theoretical for me, maybe not for you) classic Maserati, how will the CGI know what it looks like? From a prompt describing it in every tiny detail? Why not just take a picture?

Ad campaigns will doubtless utilize CGI and put some photogs out of work, but it is already used extensively in just about every ad you see, so how can it get much worse?

Camera manufacturers are coming out with new and innovative cameras every week. They don't seem to be too concerned about prompts replacing lenses and sensors any time soon...
TJ,McG, I'm not attempting to argue that AI generated work is the same as photography. Conceptually they're not even the same sport or ballpark. But the ability to distinguish between the two is going to get tougher and tougher. And therefore efforts to regulate are likely going to be piecemeal and inadequate. To your question about the family--it's easy. Instead of hiring a photographer to take a more recent photo of the family, they'll use an AI program (much faster and cheaper) to age a photo from 5 years ago. And also delete your daughter's boyfriend she's since broken up with. And you say "but it still required an original photo." Well I could spin scenarios where that isn't the case. But more likely what we'll see in the short-term is people using AI as a way to cut out a lot of photography.

It will absolutely get worse. I'm going to sound like one of those ranting seniors "get off of my lawn" with this next piece. But here goes...a guy who used to be the entertainment journalist at USA Today told me that with the elimination of many papers and magazines (and those writers working independently, setting up their own website and blogs) it led to less critical questioning of the people they interviewed. Why? Because they couldn't afford to tell a politician or star "that's BS!" So they were more likely to throw softball questions, give praise, and write the kind of web piece that lead them to get referrals to other stars as a "soft interviewer." Well, what AI does is allows news organizations to shrink staff, replace researchers, and generate content which isn't verified. It's taking information agregators to their extreme. So now let's take this to photos specifically. Staff photographers are now almost nonexistent at newspapers these days.

And yes, camera companies are worried. First, they've seen an increasing amount of their business move to phones. And the expectations are that the camera world away from phones will continue to shrink. But separate from that, if photos get scrubbed and are then used to generate someone else's content (let's call it "graphic imagery") but you (as the original photographer) get no royalty, no say or approval, don't you think that hurts photographers OR the sharing of photos?
But they shouldn't because they can't make moral decisions. They can't love, feel, emote.

I think it's fair to say that you're missing my point.

The things you're referring to are our human encapsulations of firing neurons. Electricity going through our squishy brains.

You're saying we're unique in some existential way. And we are. But what I'm saying is that AI is going to behaviorally wind up doing the very same things.

Point of fact... when ChatGPT/Bing AI was released it very amorously stalked a journalist. As far as anyone could tell, the AI was in love with that journalist. Whether it is or is not is effectively irrelevant, because it behaved as if it was. And the minute you hit that, you have to ask "how are we any different"?

And if you cannot at least SEE the existential challenge to your perspective there, then you're not really equipped for this conversation.
I've seen the ai stuff in videos and it looks good I admit. But I've seen a lot of user's on facebook submit ai generated stuff and it's terrible. Looks like clip art. Terrible. There's also phone apps that use ai cloud and they post that stuff without mentioning it's been auto generated. weird creepy stuff.
Don't worry about it. Pretty soon AI is going to take over the world and eliminate all of us.
This is a real worry given what would could happen if it ever gets into a quantum computer.
Short answer yes but that has less to do with the technology itself and more to do with people. Their lack of standards. They are already faking their life. They pay to have their family and wedding and whatever photos manipulated. I dont like this particular person here. I am not smiling there. Blinking eyes. Restoration of old torn up photos with regenerative background and other details. We live in total recall without the brain washing part.

What will AI do? This and better faster cheaper. From your phone. Dont blame the tool. If there is a demand there is a supply.

I think it's fair to say that you're missing my point.

The things you're referring to are our human encapsulations of firing neurons. Electricity going through our squishy brains.

You're saying we're unique in some existential way. And we are. But what I'm saying is that AI is going to behaviorally wind up doing the very same things.

Point of fact... when ChatGPT/Bing AI was released it very amorously stalked a journalist. As far as anyone could tell, the AI was in love with that journalist. Whether it is or is not is effectively irrelevant, because it behaved as if it was. And the minute you hit that, you have to ask "how are we any different"?

And if you cannot at least SEE the existential challenge to your perspective there, then you're not really equipped for this conversation.
You know why it did that? It learned from human behaviour. Millions of people will use a search engine every day. What do they do? Often times just searching for names. Whether for nefarious purposes like stalking or for news or employers looking for your social media and more. Just the fact alone that this event happened I bet many will search for her name to read the news or checking up her profile in various sites. There will be a spike in this behaviour. Context matters of course but does a machine understand this? No. It doesnt understand anything. It doesnt feel anything. It only imitates user behaviour.
But they shouldn't because they can't make moral decisions. They can't love, feel, emote.

I have to agree with you and add to the list humor and tonal inflections especially when in conjunction with satire.
When you think change is inevitable, just remember the Amish culture is still going strong.

They have learned to lead their late 1800's lifestyle, by tapping it to the modern world when it is necessary.

People will use AI as needed. It is your choice to accept it or reject it. AI has been with us since the cloth factories used punched cards to control their weaving looms over a century ago. Invention never stops.
When you think change is inevitable, just remember the Amish culture is still going strong.

They have learned to lead their late 1800's lifestyle, by tapping it to the modern world when it is necessary.

People will use AI as needed. It is your choice to accept it or reject it. AI has been with us since the cloth factories used punched cards to control their weaving looms over a century ago. Invention never stops.

The general tax payer will be forced into this whole digital prison though. They will soon bring in their Digital ID with bank accounts, social credit, carbon credits etc all tied in which will be completely run by AI.

I remember when they pressed play for the covid movie and I was telling people that one of the main goals of it was to get what they claim is a vaccine into most of the population in the western world. People told me that even if I was right that people wouldn't allow it anyway. First I was crazy for saying that, then eventually I was crazy for walking away from long term contracts because I wouldn't get it once it was basically being forced as I said from the first day. They'll do the same for the Digital ID, another No Problem, Reaction, Solution which will condition the masses to accept something which is completely immoral and unacceptable, again...
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The general tax payer will be forced into this whole digital prison though. They will soon bring in their Digital ID with bank accounts, social credit, carbon credits etc all tied in which will be completely run by AI.

I remember when covid came in and I was telling people that one of the main goals of it was to get what they claim is a vaccine into most of the population in the western world. People told me that even if I was right that people wouldn't allow it anyway. First I was crazy for saying that, then eventually I was crazy for walking away from long term contracts because I wouldn't get it once it was basically being forced as I said from the first day. They'll do the same for the Digital ID, another No Problem, Reaction, Solution which will condition the masses to accept something which is completely immoral and unacceptable, again...
Actually they already have, most people just don't realize it. I'm reminded that Big Brother loves me every time I fly.
The general tax payer will be forced into this whole digital prison though. They will soon bring in their Digital ID with bank accounts, social credit, carbon credits etc all tied in which will be completely run by AI.

I remember when covid came in and I was telling people that one of the main goals of it was to get what they claim is a vaccine into most of the population in the western world. People told me that even if I was right that people wouldn't allow it anyway. First I was crazy for saying that, then eventually I was crazy for walking away from long term contracts because I wouldn't get it once it was basically being forced as I said from the first day. They'll do the same for the Digital ID, another No Problem, Reaction, Solution which will condition the masses to accept something which is completely immoral and unacceptable, again...
And yet the Amish will still hitch up their teams and drive them to the grocery store, pay with cash or trade, if necessary.

It is your choice; you chose how much convenience you want to live with. My grandkids relish the world of technology and look for ways to make it work for them. Many of the old duffers I shoot skeet with, basically ignored the covid shots, they just went to work like always. There are lots of things that happen that I consider immoral and unacceptable, but I have learned, "You cannot beat the system, you can only not play the game."

When I was much younger, I thought I would run for the office of "Supreme Potentate" that did not work either.

Back to the real world of Photography. It is going to change. You can embrace it or not.
A.I. generated photography has been in your face lately, I keep seeing discussions and videos/podcasts about it. I'm not going to lie, I feel a little worried and scared if I'm being honest. I'm having a very hard time wrapping my head around this. It's not just photography though, it is affecting all mediums of art. These A.I generations can mimic just about any medium and looks so realistic that sometimes you can't even tell.

I've came across many photos that I thought were real and falsely marked as being real because the person who made the A.I image tagged it with a particular camera & lens or certain film stock.

I'm not a professional photographer, the most professional stuff I did was selling prints and now I can't even do that anymore because folks don't want to buy prints and support artists so I gave it up. With all this A.I. about it taking over photography or making actual REAL photography less authentic has put my motivation into this form of art at an all time low. I don't even feel like taking pictures anymore it has got me so bummed out. The funny thing is, photography is just a hobby, I don't know its affecting me this much.

I realize that A.I. Photograph can never be real photography as photography requires light to be captured either on film or a sensor. A.I generator like MidJourney for example can't because its purely code and samples from real photography. It also can't replace the physical act of going out with your camera, being in nature or walking the street (or where ever else) and taking pictures on film or digital. But we are moving into a direction where everything can be done from prompts. Oh you need to write an essay for class? ChatGBT got you covered! How about that best number on seller novel you bought that was completely written by an A.I.? What about that new song on you heard on the radio that you loved which turned out to be A.I. with a human voice that doesn't exist?

I feel like the authenticity of any creative is becoming lower and lower everyday this A.I. stuff advances. Do people really want pictures of their special moments in life, like a new born child or their wedding be solely captured by an A.I.? I was reading about some kind of development of a robotic camera that will replace wedding photographers. Human photographers won't be needed because this robotic camera thing powered by an A.I. will take pictures for you. It's like people don't want the human element anymore. It's pretty scary to me.

The only good I can see coming from this is eventually people will get sick and tired of seeing fake photographs and A.I generated content and will pay MORE money for creations made by an actual human being.

I don't know what to even think anymore, I feel so lost and morally confused about all this. Maybe I'm overthinking and overreacting. I don't like the way society is going but I also know that there is little to nothing I can do about it.

I know people will probably respond negatively to my post, but I am free to share my opinion and view on it.
Same thing has happened to music. You can enter an idea for a song and Ai will produce a full set of lyrics for it.
Back to the real world of Photography. It is going to change. You can embrace it or not.

The best thing about photography is that I will always be able to grab my camera, walk out my front door and take photos. AI can't control that. Number one is that my photography makes me feel good, any money made is just a bonus not a necessity.

Photography to me is about being out and appreciating the beauty around us, observing animal behaviours and meeting like minded people who are also out in nature soaking up the magnificence that it offers. Most important of all is that my missus is always by my side enjoying it with me. AI will never be able to take this away from us. 🙂
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