binx88 would like to introduce himself


TPF Noob!
Mar 12, 2024
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Aloha, I am a refugee from the now deceased Photography On The Net. I was wandering about looking for a new home whereupon I was told by a fellow photog that this site is a good one to be a member of. So I'm fresh off the lifeboat hoping to make new friends and share my experiences and images of Hawaii that I've collected over the many years I've lived in the Land of Aloha. I offer a welcoming gift to the forum's members in the form of an aerial picture I took of what is known as "The Stairway to Heaven" that is seeing its last days of existence. I hope this works...

Another great place with plenty of great picture opportunities that I want to visit.
Howdy and welcome! Nice shot! Brings back fond memories, I used to live in Waipio (Oahu), a very long time ago.
Yep bribed lol
hi welcome, bit of a time zone difference but I am used to that now.
look forward to seeing more images, just not too many at once
Thanks for the warm welcome folks. I'm already feeling at home in this forum.

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