correct curve for a 24" Lightbox cyc

nelson may

TPF Noob!
Apr 7, 2024
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Decatur Ga
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New here. Am I in the correct thread?

I just built a Lightbox and am going to install my globes and diffusion. I want to make a cyc out of some oak veneer I have laying around. I want to make some ribs and glue the veneer to the ribs. This will also allow me to attach other surfaces if needed. Do you guys have a particular curve in degrees that you like for smaller light boxes that will allow a turntable and enough room product photography? See my pics on what I am trying to do. I have access too a laser cutter or a CNC machine to make this happen. I can only find videos on making larger studio cycs and am not finding info on smaller lightboxes.

If my hand drawn pic is confusing, how far can I make my line, "in from the front and down from the top" to meet the curve so I get that infinity look? If it is that easy, I can just drop in a curve.



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