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Mar 18, 2017
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Can others edit my Photos
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This one of the first series of images I took with my then new camera, back in 2016. I did make an earlier edit, but was never happy with the focus (I was struggling to get to grips with the new lens).
Anyway, it really bothered me that I couldn't do the image justice, as six days after taking the image, I read in the paper that Sam had taken his life by jumping from Clifton suspension bridge. He was 25.
I remember chatting to him for about 20 minutes. He was a really nice guy, was in a band and had a LOT of energy. After his death, I learned from the coroner report that he had issues with depression, was of 'no fixed abode' (code for homeless) and was also struggling with drug abuse.

Doctors were aware of his challenging circumstances, and also his suicidal thoughts. It does seem to me that there were failings in various local services that should have protected vulnerable individuals like Sam. That being said, it is easy to be critical of overly stretched services when sometimes, no amount of support or intervention can help an individual when they are in a very bad place.

I do intend to have have some prints made for Sam's family.


Doctors were aware of his challenging circumstances, and also his suicidal thoughts. It does seem to me that there were failings in various local services that should have protected vulnerable individuals like Sam. That being said, it is easy to be critical of overly stretched services when sometimes, no amount of support or intervention can help an individual when they are in a very bad place
Every person with mental or drug issues is someones family. A friend of mine's favorite saying is "If love could have saved them, they'd have lived forever". Having dealt with the issue on several levels as First Responder, with employees in my business and with relatives, I've learned there isn't much you can do until they themselves are ready to change, only they hold the power. I'm sure the family would appreciate the prints.
Beautiful portraits! It's also a tragedy. I'm sure his family will be grateful for these.

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