my girl


TPF Noob!
Nov 4, 2006
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Adorable pictures of your daughter! A couple of nitpicks though:

#1 is out of focus, but with the wind blowing, Im sure it was difficult to maintain focus.

#2 is CLASSIC, similar to things you see on calendars or posters. Easily my favorite.

#3 is good but the shadows from sunlight are covering up her face.

#4 is a nice portrait but noticably soft focus.

Overall, wonderful series. Thanks for sharing. :thumbup:

thanks, i softend them all in post, on purpose
She's getting big! Nice job!
Two is gorgeous! :) I think ILP is affecting your photography style... I love the general style of ILP photography, so thats a good thing! :p
OMG! 2 is stunning! Don't get me wrong, but in this post, I could do without the rest and just keep looking at #2.
Great work..:thumbup:

Thanks everyone.

EJB, I believe you were the one who introduced me to ilp, so I fully blame you for that.

Shes tuff to shoot because she never stays still, so people just see this nut (me) running back and forth, side to side, shooting almost constantly.

The good thing is I usually do one or two shoots per week for customers and if it's of kids, I find myself doing the same thing. I think that is the best way to shoot toddlers anyway, at least for me.

JimmyJaceysMom, I seen those prom shots....nice. I have to say from what you posted a few months ago until now, there has been a HUGE improvement. very nice.

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