Post your BEST 3 of October 2021!

gk fotografie

hora lapsa non redebit
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Jun 13, 2015
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This is a monthly thread for TPF members to post their 3 BEST photos taken during the previous month. As this is the 'Just For Fun' forum, no critique or negative comments are allowed in the thread, positive feedback and other discussion of settings, technique, processing, location etc. is encouraged. So, please join and show your BEST 3 photos of October 2021!

Let's get started...
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@jcdeboever love the mood of that portrait
She is my little pumpkin. I bought her a Pentax K10d with a kit zoom lens for $40 and she loves it. She was also fascinated with developing and shooting film. That camera / lens combo is a very capable image maker. She was walking up to me like a model and of course I couldn't resist. Thanks
Love the portrait. Is it film?
Yes, all three. She was really close to my EF 35-350L lens so my exposure, plus developing method worked well. I was surprised it turned out as she was acting like a model (which she normally doesn't) and moved in rather quickly and I racked the zoom back and got lucky. I was shooting a gig with her as she was my paid assistant and had her Pentax K10d which I bought for her. She did really well but I think she lost focus and was a little jealous of the model on the shoot, she needed some grandpa attention. She just turned twelve. We had a blast despite her little adorable moments, I was surprised how well she did for 2 hours. The model was rather nasty with her which I didn't appreciate. My little pumpkin just wanted to learn and help. When the girl was untimely curt with my grand daughter is when she started to act up. It all worked out. I suppose it wasn't professional having a twelve year old assistant but she was fabulous until the nasty attitude of the model. I suspect 12 year old girls can sense when they're being disrespected.
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Yes, all three. She was really close to my EF 35-350L lens so my exposure, plus developing method worked well. I was surprised it turned out as she was acting like a model (which she normally doesn't) and moved in rather quickly and I racked the zoom back and got lucky. I was shooting a gig with her as she was my paid assistant and had her Pentax K10d which I bought for her. She did really well but I think she lost focus and was a little jealous of the model on the shoot, she needed some grandpa attention. She just turned twelve. We had a blast despite her little adorable moments, I was surprised how well she did for 2 hours. The model was rather nasty with her which I didn't appreciate. My little pumpkin just wanted to learn and help. When the girl was untimely curt with my grand daughter is when she started to act up. It all worked out.
She is lucky to have grandpa as an excellent teacher. Sorry the model was harsh with her.
That lens reminds me of the Fujifilm 56mm. Wonderful out of focus background and crisp line. What lens and camera were you using?
Fuji X-T4 + 56mm. Good eye! The lens stays on my camera most of the time. It takes patience to focus wide open. If I'm trying to isolate one bloom on a tree then it doesn't latch focus on the one bloom. So I have to find a high contrast point to focus on the correct plane of the tree and then move to bloom and refocus. When it latches on focus it is sharp.

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