Street Beats in Las Vegas

May 5, 2024
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Shot after a show around midnight in LV. This family had quite the crowd around them and I got the feeling it was the kid's first time with dad. They had a really fun interaction and you could tell Dad was really happy. As always, I was trying to capture the emotion and energy which was already highlighted by the light and the crowd.

Nice street work. First shot is killer.Site needs more as a counterweight to birds and flora...
On #1. Crop the right--nothing happening there. The gold is in the Dad's face and the obvious connection with the kid.
Picky but perhaps a bit under-exposed though I'm sympathetic to the circumstances. It communicates--that's what matters above all. My preference but I'd try a b&w version?

For inspiration:

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Nice street work. First shot is killer.Site needs more as a counterweight to birds and flora...
On #1. Crop the right--nothing happening there. The gold is in the Dad's face and the obvious connection with the kid.
Picky but perhaps a bit under-exposed though I'm sympathetic to the circumstances. It communicates--that's what matters above all. My preference but I'd try a b&w version?

For inspiration:

As an objective viewer, wouldn't you miss the context if the passing crowd was absent in the photo? Or does it not matter? My thought was the magic in the moment was particularly prescient given the atmosphere, like for a moment it's just them. But it's not. Maybe I read too much into my own shots.

Agreed on the B&W but I'm really trying to get my color street shooting improved. I'm relatively comfortable shooting street in B&W, but obviously need help on color.

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