Pleiades redux


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Jun 4, 2010
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Pleiades redux!

While waiting for the Orion Nebula to rise the other night, I trained the telescope on Pleiades for a few hours to get another stab at imaging it to get better detail, and to focus on bringing out the vibrant color in the stars, especially the orange ones. I used a new processing workflow to help with the star color. Visible throughout the frame is interstellar dust that often surrounds these targets.

My last image of Pleiades suffered some lack of sharpness in the fine detail because my focus moved during the night and I hadn't corrected it. I've since added the autofocuser on this setup and set it to refocus every seven frames throughout the imaging session.

WO Redcat51 scope, 250mm f/4.9
ZWO ASI 2600MC Pro
Optolong L-Pro
ZWO Mini Guide Scope
Orion Starshoot autoguide camera
Celestron AVX
Pegasus Astro Pocket Powerbox Micro
MeLE Quieter3Q mini PC running Windows 11

Aquisition Software:
Sequence Generator Pro

Processing Software:

69 light frames @ 180sec, gain 100, -10C
Darks, flats, and bias frames

Total integrated exposure: 3.5hrs

Pleiades 11_22_22.jpg
Wonderful shot of the Seven Sisters. There are actually more than 3,000 stars in that constellation.
An awesome image.
Pleiades redux!

While waiting for the Orion Nebula to rise the other night, I trained the telescope on Pleiades for a few hours to get another stab at imaging it to get better detail, and to focus on bringing out the vibrant color in the stars, especially the orange ones. I used a new processing workflow to help with the star color. Visible throughout the frame is interstellar dust that often surrounds these targets.

My last image of Pleiades suffered some lack of sharpness in the fine detail because my focus moved during the night and I hadn't corrected it. I've since added the autofocuser on this setup and set it to refocus every seven frames throughout the imaging session.

WO Redcat51 scope, 250mm f/4.9
ZWO ASI 2600MC Pro
Optolong L-Pro
ZWO Mini Guide Scope
Orion Starshoot autoguide camera
Celestron AVX
Pegasus Astro Pocket Powerbox Micro
MeLE Quieter3Q mini PC running Windows 11

Aquisition Software:
Sequence Generator Pro

Processing Software:

69 light frames @ 180sec, gain 100, -10C
Darks, flats, and bias frames

Total integrated exposure: 3.5hrs

View attachment 261895
Wonderful image!
For all of your equipment, the knowledge, the 3,5 hours to produce this image ( and others of yours)...
I wish I had something more to say than 'wonderful, terrific etc' but always Thank You!

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