Sabbaday Falls (in Fall)


hear me roar
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Mar 18, 2013
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I’ve shared photos of this waterfall before - in summer with lush green forest all around and in winter frozen solid. I hadn’t been to this spot during fall in a long time but we were in the area over the weekend so made a quick stop. .3 miles from the parking lot and a very mild climb typically make this a very busy stop on the Kancamagus Hwy. We were early enough that there were only a few others on the trail.

Do you prefer the longer or shorter shutter speed for waterfalls?
Fall 2021 by SharonCat..., on Flickr
Fuji 16-80 16mm handheld 1/8, ISO 400, f/22 with polarizer

Fall 2021 by SharonCat..., on Flickr
12mm Samyang - 1/60, ISO 400, f/22 with polarizer

This is a 3 shot vertical pano 12mm Samyang - 1/60, ISO 400, f/22 with polarizer
Fall 2021 by SharonCat..., on Flickr

This is a single shot with the 12mm, 1/30, ISO 400, f/16 with a polarizer
Fall 2021 by SharonCat..., on Flickr
Good shots of what looks like a beautiful area.....
I prefer longer shutter speeds when it comes to water movement. I think in your first image you have timed it perfectly so as to leave enough motion in the water as well as creating some silkiness. Great stuff.

Beautiful location as well.
I prefer longer shutter speeds when it comes to water movement. I think in your first image you have timed it perfectly so as to leave enough motion in the water as well as creating some silkiness. Great stuff.

Beautiful location as well.
Thanks! I go back and forth on the long exposure with waterfalls. Sometimes I like it and sometimes I feel it’s a bit overused.

In the first, that movement is about right. :encouragement:
Do I see a magenta overcast, Sharon?
Yes. I like it to counteract the green tint from all the trees.

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