Young Barn Swallow Out of the Nest


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Mar 18, 2021
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The Colony, Texas, USA
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The little Barn Swallows are getting ready to leave home. This one was on the back patio. It was very dark and getting a good focus was a challenge, even at f/11 with EV bumped up to 2+.

1 f/11 1/640 ISO 6400 @400mm
jul17202302 by Jeff Ashman, on Flickr

2 f/8 1/800 ISO 6400 @400mm
jul17202303 by Jeff Ashman, on Flickr

3 And a parent supervising the photo session...
jul17202305 by Jeff Ashman, on Flickr

4 And a portrait crop just for grins...
jul17202306 by Jeff Ashman, on Flickr
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Love these!!! Look at the bold little thing. Such a great set. ❤️

It doesn't surprise me at all to see a parent nearby. If you'd taken one step further, she'd likely have dive bombed you!

(That happened to me one time - and trust me, they're not joking!) :icon_eek:
G'day Jeff

An excellent series of images - thanks for showing
Most impressive .... keepers all
Love these!!! Look at the bold little thing. Such a great set. ❤️

It doesn't surprise me at all to see a parent nearby. If you'd taken one step further, she'd likely have dive bombed you!

(That happened to me one time - and trust me, they're not joking!) :icon_eek:
Thank you! No doubt. I have to escort the dogs out to make sure they go straight to the lawn, and once they are done, we come back in.
G'day Jeff

An excellent series of images - thanks for showing
Most impressive .... keepers all
Thank you!
Fantastic shots, difficult to pick a favourite but I'll go with 3.
All the ones around me are nesting in a neighbor's boathouse so I never get to see the nests. Given the sheer number of them, I suspect the boathouse is rather odiferous and I'm all the better for not having access. The house is for sale and has been on the market for almost a year.
Nice shots.

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