

TPF Noob!
Jun 29, 2003
Reaction score
Shreveport, Louisiana
Can others edit my Photos
Photos OK to edit
What's with the post title? You're gonna have to explain that one. ;)

I like how the curb and the post frame the image, but I am not sure on what is being framed. Is it the statue? Is it the person? Is it the relationship between the person and the statue? I find it unclear. Maybe it's just because it's small so I can't really see it.
What's with the post title? You're gonna have to explain that one.

Didn't really have a name that came to mind for the post so i figured i'd try something new
the only thing I see that doesn't give the pic justice is the size I bet a 11x14 print of the photo would kick A$$ as it is.

Now the only thing that if find out of place is that its that the photo is a little underexposed. the "statue" mixes with the background, if you could expose it a little bit more so it doesn't mix.
there ya go guys, its a little bit bigger now (and has a slightly different crop b/c i forgot to crop it this time.)
see, I told you I would kick ass, now it looks good.... no underexposure

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