A beautiful weevil Montezuma Tatama Risaralda Colombia Aug 2023


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Jun 16, 2015
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Blue Weevil,Montezuma, Tatama, Risaralda, Colombia on my hand. tribe Eustylini
a member of Broad-nosed Weevils Subfamily Entiminae
IMG_7042_Weevil-2 by davholla2002, on Flickr

Butterfly,,Montezuma, Tatama, Risaralda, Colombia. Hairstreaks Subfamily Theclinae

IMG_7049B_Butterfly-2 by davholla2002, on Flickr

Orchid,Montezuma, Tatama, Risaralda,Colombia. Pleurothallis monocardia

IMG_7053_Orchid-1 by davholla2002, on Flickr

Orchid,Montezuma, Tatama, Risaralda,Colombia. Maxillaria speciosa

IMG_7055_Orchid by davholla2002, on Flickr
What a weevil and wonderful orchids!
Thank you all.
Great weevil shot, did he fall in a bottle of nail polish? 😜
Great weevil shot, did he fall in a bottle of nail polish? 😜
I must admit - it does not look real but really is - I know that because my hand is that colour!

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