A day at the park. C+C


TPF Noob!
Jan 11, 2010
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New York
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Some pictures i took at the park. What do you think?




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Do like the 2nd picture... something cheeky about it :)
1- The shadows and such are odd in the this image. Dark on the upper right, light on the upper left. The sky has a turquoise tint in one place and blue in another. Did you do alot of processing to this? Not sure I like the center composition.
If your idea was to make the light post as the main subject, I find its a bit too far back in the frame and not obvious enough. Its at an odd level where its not close enough to be the obvious main focus and its not far back enough to make it an interesting element in an overall scene.
Maybe shooting a bit lower to get the top part of the lamp post more centered in the in opening of trees and sky?

2- I find the image isn't balanced enough. The round arm rests should be more centered in the frame, they are too far to the right. I'm not keen on the line that is created here, mostly because it just ends and then is kind of continued by some sort of fence, and then it abruptly ends on the metal arm rest that is jammed on the right hand side of the image.
There also seems to be some odd colour tints due to processing. Maybe try getting higher up and simply using just the lines of the benches. Not sure what lens you shot with, but maybe try the same thing with a telephoto lens from further back as the longer the mm you shoot at, the more "squishing" effect you get, just as shooting with a wide angle makes things stretched and long.

3- I dont see much of interest in this image. The line of the walkway is ok, but the brightness / blow out of the sun isn't. I do really like how the clouds are light up though. But overall, there is too much going on in the image, fence, walk way, benches, light post, trees, clouds,... and they are just there without actually working with each other.

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