A day at the races


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Jun 9, 2013
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Well, technically it was a couple of hours at a Skip Barber driving class at Lime Rock. I did get to ride in the passenger seat in one of the lead cars, but alas, I was not the one driving this time :( It was my boyfriend (the one in the back in the first shot, and driving car #25 in the second shot):

In the car by limrodrigues, on Flickr

Blurry 25 and Lime Rock by limrodrigues, on Flickr

Sam Posey by limrodrigues, on Flickr

78 and 12 on Lime Rock by limrodrigues, on Flickr

Helmets by limrodrigues, on Flickr

It was kind of tight for panning and I think I overcooked the film a bit in developing, thus the graininess (though it's not so bad that I dislike it. Kinda gives it more of a vintage feel anyway.) And the shot of the two cars together is too close to the front of the frame, but I had to straighten it a bit and that's how much room I had left :er:
It is a little grainy but seems to work considering the subject. I like Sam Posey, that's a great perspective. I still like the two cars, even though they're tight to the right, it might be better with less space on the left to adjust the balance but not bad. I like the two helmets too, I like behind the scenes shots, lets you see what else was happening, the equipment being used, etc.
Thanks, Sharon! I thought of cutting a bit of the left, too, but it didn't really feel right. Kind of eliminated some of the illusion of speed.

I like the two helmets and the fire extinguisher best. Kind of an eerie tribute.

Yeah, I thought that too. I was pleased that it came out the same way I envisioned it. I sort of wanted to get the same shot with a car in the background, but the cars weren't running at that time, and then when they were, there was too much crap in the way.
The last shot is just great. For me, the best of the bunch and very evocative.
Got the need for speed?
Got the need for speed?

Little bit :) It was fun being in the lead car learning about the different lines to take in the dry, semi-wet and wet conditions. But I'd have to build up both skill and guts to take that course. First I want some time on the skid pad.
Nice set! I agree they look a mite overcooked, as you say - but grain rarely bothers me unless it truly interferes from a textural standpoint, which isn't the case here. :) I really like the first one - he is looking right at you (more evident in the larger version). I like your nifty little framing with "Sam Posey" in the third one. In "Helmets," the grain adds to the texture and gritty feel of the scene - a nice image altogether!

It was fun being in the lead car learning about the different lines to take in the dry, semi-wet and wet conditions. But I'd have to build up both skill and guts to take that course. First I want some time on the skid pad.

Lenny, who knew you were such an adrenaline junkie?! :sexywink:
Nice set! I agree they look a mite overcooked, as you say - but grain rarely bothers me unless it truly interferes from a textural standpoint, which isn't the case here. :) I really like the first one - he is looking right at you (more evident in the larger version). I like your nifty little framing with "Sam Posey" in the third one. In "Helmets," the grain adds to the texture and gritty feel of the scene - a nice image altogether!

It was fun being in the lead car learning about the different lines to take in the dry, semi-wet and wet conditions. But I'd have to build up both skill and guts to take that course. First I want some time on the skid pad.

Lenny, who knew you were such an adrenaline junkie?! :sexywink:

Yikes, a month later and I only now realized that I never responded to you, terri! :oops:

Thanks for the comments on the photos!

And I do like a little sip of the adrenaline once in a while ;) The thing about me is that it doesn't take anything extreme to satisfy that urge. I do love to drive, but I don't need to go very fast; I'd rather drive a slower, less powerful car on a fun course. If I were to be a race driver in another life, for example, I'd probably be a rally driver, not a Formula 1 driveer :)

But otherwise...well, sometimes at a train station, I like to stand on the bridge over the tracks when an Amtrak train is coming through really fast, and that's pretty much enough adrenaline to last me a couple of days :mrgreen:
Yikes, a month later and I only now realized that I never responded to you, terri! :oops:

This is why we get along; I never noticed, either! :blushing:

Adrenalin rush for me is downhill on my bike (helmet on!) and pedaling as fast as I can in high gear. wheee!!

...then, I'm done, as well! :mrgreen:

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