A Flower Among Leaves


TPF Noob!
Mar 4, 2008
Reaction score
Westville, OK
Can others edit my Photos
Photos OK to edit
Critique and comments (good and bad) welcome.

I like how crisp the flower looks.
Mebbe crop it a little closer and lose the other flowers?
Mebbe crop it a little closer and lose the other flowers?
I took this picture with a Powershot S3 so there isn't a whole lot of room to crop, but I tried anyways..

I think the most interesting part of the picture is the texture of the center of the flower and the veins of the leave to the immediate left of the flower. With that in mind, I think a crop focusing on those two items would be best suited. That might limit your image size too much though.
I think the most interesting part of the picture is the texture of the center of the flower and the veins of the leave to the immediate left of the flower. With that in mind, I think a crop focusing on those two items would be best suited. That might limit your image size too much though.
I think it's about cropped-out. A 6MP "Point and Shoot" isn't too forgiving..

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