Ancient Camera (Critique me!)


TPF Noob!
Apr 15, 2007
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I found this in an old house that was about to be demolished. And helpful hints?

Helpful hints about what?
About what kind of camera you found?
If it can be brought back to use? If desired, what would need to be done?

Or hints about taking photos of old cameras as such?
Personally, I find DOF a tad too shallow and would have liked to see not only the lens but also the body in focus. And I might have liked to see some more of the entire camera and seen from a slightly different angle.

Though, just to show what you have found, this is a good enough photo! No doubt. The sepia toning underlines the aspect of "old".
Haha, yes, hints about taking photos of old cameras. =P
It actually still is fully functional, amazingly. I'll retake the photo w/the body in focus and see how it turns out.
I think a slightly or significantly different angle would make it more interesting :)
caleb, just a side note. photobucket has the rights to a photo if its not already copyrighted when its uploaded...thats why i moved to flickr.

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