Any Muso's here?


still being picky Vicky
Feb 21, 2005
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Any Musicians here?

Check out what I bought at an auction on the weekend


How choice! hehehe.
It's a portable organ / or a field organ. And it goes so well with our other eclectic mix of musical instruments!

But I know absolutely nothing about it. Does anyone have any info or website links?
Hard to tell from the small photo but its either a Viktor Strue model 7 or maybe a model 7.5, the 7.5 having the 'box mod'

The model 7 would of been hand made by the late Viktor himself, if its a model 7 then it would of been made in late 1923 making a rare beast indeed! If its the later model 7.5 then it would of been made between 1924 and 1931 by one of his students. Both models are very sought after by UK collectors. If my memory serves me right the last time one of the model 7.5's appeared on the market it sold for £320,000.00 and it wasn't in as good as a condition as yours. Now the Model 7 is a different beast all together, one hasn't appear at auction for over 30 years but having just spoken to an auctineer he says it could fetch as much as £1,250,000.00

But of course I could been talking total bollox
Ferny! Hi! :hug::

It works beautifully.
It's all in tune with itself although it's about a quarter tone off concert pitch - which is a pain, but workable.

Lostprophet - hehehe well the people at the church we bought it from said it was probably worth around $300 - $800. Even if it's worth nothing I don't care, coz I love it and it looks gorgeous. Although I am going now to look up Viktor Strues.

It's got a stamp on it though from a Brisbane maker (I assume) because it has a brisbane address on it. So I guess that means I'm not a millionaire. :-( ah well..

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