Banks Skating.


TPF Noob!
Feb 9, 2007
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What do you thing of #1 in comparison to the original and the non blurred? This is my first time using the technique of highliting one item so any advice appreciated. The crop is a little tight from the original picture so the blur saved the quality in a respect i think.
Well, you certainly made a snapshot into something interesting.
I look at it, and I don't like it. I look again, and I do. I keep changing my mind. :p

Maybe, if he was fully in focus and the rest was how it is, it might appeal to me a little more. I'm not sure about the selective coloring, also. The colors are vibrant, though, and the contrast is nice, so that changes my mind a bit. :p
I really like what you tried to do with number one. It turned out pretty well, but if the skater was more in focused it'd really have been an awesome shot. But it was a really interesting approach, and that's how you end up with amazing shots, is by doing something new.

I like number two the best, I don't really know what you should change, if anything.

I don't like number three, it's too distracting with all the things in the background.

But you definitely made some interesting work, and I applaud you for that. I'm very interested to see what you come up with, because I think you have a good creative vision and I think you can definitely make very, very interesting and creative work.
Heres two I did real quick, what I did was just magnetic lasso the guy then cut him onto a new layer and either blur him or blur the background. For him I actually did wind stylize. Use motion blur too. May be too drastic for what you wanted.



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