Barber Bob, silly boys and a half baked Baby Power


Swiss Army Friend
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Jun 21, 2004
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Here we have Baby Power, halfway cooked though with the heat of this summer I think she's done a little more baking than normal!

Barber Bob came for a visit tonight. Not sure how that got started, but Aubrey cuts the boys hair and they've nicknamed him Barber Bob....

A very happy customer


Hard at work (with a fiance who can't focus :lol: )

Just for JonMikal...the boys make their silly faces:

This one was "make the face when you've done something wrong and you don't want Mommy to know about it"
Aubrey looks totally different in that picture! And have I ever told you that you have the CUTEST kids in the world?
great captures Alison. love the 'faces' and you look wonderful! the children have been an's time i updated my goofy faces thread ;)
Thanks guys! Make sure to involve your boys with those silly faces, Jon. They had a great time doing that and I have all sorts of faces to look at for a smile.

And Corry, Aubrey looks different because he's blurry :lol:
hobbes28 said:
Just imagine how good you'll look after you leave here. :D
:lol: Have the camera ready, Alison - we wouldn't want to miss Barber Bob working on Chase!

They look adorable here - 2 giggly little boys! :heart:
Awww how gorgeous are those boys!! Their eyes are so big!

And Alison! that looks like so much fun to be pregnant! Except for the fact you get the swelling ankles, inability to put on shoes, always having to pee... hmmm well at least it looks like fun! I can't wait to be preggers some day.
Your boys are the cutest!
What sweet, sweet smiles they have! And those big eyes. But since we are getting to see a photo of their mummy, we no longer need to be surprised at their pretty smiles and eyes! :)
You must have lots of fun together - the photos just show it.
Is it certain that you may call Baby Power a "she" this time?
You look great!
Only yesterday I saw my friend Andrea, who now only has to wait for another five weeks or so for her BOY to arrive (that is certain, too!), and yes, she looks quite "ready". :)
Terri, no way would I miss that photo op ;)

Meysha, Thanks! Yup, I've entered the swelling stage, had to take off my rings last night and my ankles have disappeared. It one of those things that is worth it in the long run, and little baby kicks make up for the inability to wear shoes!

LaFoto...still not sure of the gender, but I figure with two boys I can pretend for 9 months that I'm having a daughter :)

Varth-Yeah, good to know he's an equal opportunity hider of information at both homes. ;)
Great pics Alison :) The silly faces are so cute. You boys have the greatest eyes!

Oh and nice work Barber Bob :lol: I think hobbes needs a new title :lol:
eromallagadnama said:
Oh and nice work Barber Bob :lol: I think hobbes needs a new title :lol:

Oooooooooh :thumbsup:

Glad you enjoyed them! They do have nice eyes and they know how to bat those lashes to their advantage :lol:
How absolutely adorable - what a happy family!! You're looking great... thanks for sharing these! :D

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