beatiful landscape


TPF Noob!
Apr 29, 2013
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The horizon is a bit crooked and I wish the foreground was a little brighter, but it looks like a nice location. Where is this?
sanqi mountain, china. a holy place of chinese local religious
Welcome to the forum. You will find the folks here eager to help, sometimes it may seem a "rough", but they are here to help.

My first impressions of your three images is that the important part of the landscape, the land, is underexposed - there is little, if any, visible detail - the third one is better than the other two, but is still a little underexposed. If you shoot in raw mode, then these can be improved by adjusting the exposure and maybe a little dodging of the underexposed areas. What you can do to try and improve these images depends on what "post-production" software you are using in your work flow.

It would also help reviewers if you could number your images as this makes it a lot easier to refer to them. Thanks.

Thanks for your advice!

Welcome to the forum. You will find the folks here eager to help, sometimes it may seem a "rough", but they are here to help.

My first impressions of your three images is that the important part of the landscape, the land, is underexposed - there is little, if any, visible detail - the third one is better than the other two, but is still a little underexposed. If you shoot in raw mode, then these can be improved by adjusting the exposure and maybe a little dodging of the underexposed areas. What you can do to try and improve these images depends on what "post-production" software you are using in your work flow.

It would also help reviewers if you could number your images as this makes it a lot easier to refer to them. Thanks.


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