Bee two


TPF Noob!
Dec 12, 2006
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Nice. Pretty good composition too. I've seen many photos very similar to this one, but this one is very good compared with the majority. It's a minor nit, but is it possible to get any more local contrast on the bee's wings, just to see the blur at the trailing edge of the wings? Even a small bit more contrast between the bees wings and the dark background would add impact to this shot. It's still a nice shot as-shown, though. Good depth of field, nice color, bee's body rendered well, very attractive flower too.

Bee wings tend to disappear when they are blurred, but this is an area where Nikon Capture NX's control point technology might really help, by putting a very small control point on the wing areas, it could almost magically increase the whiteness of the wings, while leaving surrounding pixels untouched. Same with Photoshop with the Viveza plug-in added, or the stand-alone Viveza application. Not sure if you have any of those software applications, but any of those three would probably be able to target the wings only and make them stand out a bit more, to make an already good image even better.
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Thanks Derrel...That is as much of the wings as was captured, even the RAW file shows the same. I shot at 1000/sec and thought I would have got more wing in the shot but alas...No! guess the Bee ate his cheerios and was just too fast:mrgreen:

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