Bird in Flight for LaFoto


TPF Noob!
Dec 11, 2005
Reaction score
Washington D.C. Metro Area
I thought you might like this one. Not sure if you have done much (BIF) birds in flight work but if you ask me, this is the most difficult of all photography. These guys are great fun to practice your tracking/panning on. Enjoy.... Of yeah, it's really fun to pan a 500mm lens as I did here.

EXIF: NIKON D70 1/800 sec f 6.3 500 mm

Oh. A thread for me! How nice! :hug:: Thank you.
Wow. Each wing feather is still so well to be seen!
A pity the sea gull will soon crash against the lefthand border of the frame, erm :er: - well, not really, but there is no room for it to fly into.
I have NOT done a lot of "BIF"-pics (;)), I'd love to do some more, but I find it hard!
Some of my latest (and at the same time earliest) attempts of BIF-photography is here: ( - primarily in the Photos 4, 12 and 13. (Seagulls, too ;))
Yes, on that particular day the light situation was worse than you would ever wish. The fog never really lifted, only by 3 in the afternoon it did, and by then I had to catch the train back home... :er: :meh:
I photographed these this gull a lots others that day at the end of my block where I live. I'm only 800 feet off the water so taking these shots is requires no travle for me which is nice. I took this one around sunset though it was also over cast and cloudy that day so I guess there was not much of a viewable sunset per say. So are you planning on bringing any of that yummy german dark chocolate when you come in April ?

MyCameraEye said:
So are you planning on bringing any of that yummy german dark chocolate when you come in April ?

Should I?
I could!
Oh yeah! Nothing beats that super biter sweet german dark chocolate. In fact, they just discovered that it's actually good for you and that it contains just as much antioxidents as grade juice. Our american OVER processed dark chocolate does not count they said.

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