Boxgrove Priory Church of St Mary and St Blaise


Been spending a lot of time on here!
Jun 20, 2021
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Went to visit this the other day, the actual priory is a ruin but adjacent to the old church (c. 1100) which is still in use as the parish church for Boxgrove village.
Was lucky enough to visit just as the sun was at an angle producing beams from the high windows.

Boxgrove Priory Church of St Mary & St Blaise by Tursiops, on Flickr
The sun beams coming through the windows are gorgeous. Thanks for sharing.
Awesome shot! Love architecture shots...especially with sun rays.
That is a great shot!!
it is awesome 😀

I have one question,is is possible some how to protect the sun spots on flor so the are not burn out.
Nice one.
Nominated for May POTM
it is awesome 😀

I have one question,is is possible some how to protect the sun spots on flor so the are not burn out.
Thank you, I guess I could have tried de highlighting them but wanted the glare in this case.

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