Can you do better?


TPF Noob!
Jul 13, 2006
Reaction score
Pretoria, South Africa
Can others edit my Photos
Photos OK to edit
Hey guys! Been a while, I took a few photos of my sister and her date to their matric dance. Thats what we call it here in south africa- reckon u also call it prom. We'll i discovered a new thing in ps and tried it out on this pic. Any other ideas of making the pics that bit more interesting? And i do not mean the usually plugins in ps, something new... If anyone is interested in giving it a try give me a shout and I'll post the original.
O yeah C&C please!!

i would like to see this without so much photoshop . . . it looks like it would have been equally nice or even better without the effect you added.
You ask, and i give.
Think its better in original? I like the sketch effect because the wall in the background seems less 'intrusive" as does the bright light coming through right infront of his face. Yes. yes i know thats nothing a little gausian blur cant fix,but i was bored with that. Was looking for something new. Also i know a warming filter and bit tweaking with the levels would do this photo good, but i did not work on making the original better, only cropped.

the original version is much better! you're first post looks like a filter in photoshop
Im gonna vote sketch on this one....

There is nothing striking to me about the original except her expression and that comes through on the sketch without looking like a random shot as much. Just one man's opinion not really anything but a feeling.
Thanks, i feel the same.

BTW- the first one is not a filter in ps. If anyone is interested i'll post the techniq.
The thing with the sketch is that just wanted something new. Not b&w, not sepia, not usual filters. I would still like somebody to give me new ideas? Other ways of making the photo a bit special?
Well, sorry, I can only barely do the BASICS in PS, not to mention anything more elaborate, so I can't offer you any new ideas that you are looking for.
But personally I find this sketch-version a bit bright and hard on my eyes. The pic sort of "dances" for me, it "moves", and that makes me look away fast. Which does not happen with the original, which, however (and I must admit that too) looks a bit "normal", what with that garden fence as background and so on.

Therefore I understand why you would like to do something different, something more elaborate than the usual (that you enumerate) ... but I am not sure the sketch version is it.

Should this not be in the Photoshop Challenges?
I guess that is the place for a photo for which you would wish to see other members' PS work. Let me know and I move it over.
Thanks LaFoto appreciate the crit. You da mod, if i placed in wrong section im sorry! And feel free to move me!
General is not the wrong section for this per se, but the Photoshop Challenges are ... erm ... just that: Photoshop Challenges. ;)
And it feels like you are sort of ... "challenging" TPF members? ;););)
Here are my attempts.
The first is just a simple touchup:

And this is my 'creative' try. A "pencil" sketch:

I love the way her right eye just seems to pop. Great expression in the eye.
I love all the edited versions. The real neat think about this pencil one is the new-found clarity of the little buttons on her shirt!
??? I dunno what I was going for lol. I love this picture though. :)


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