
I am currently eating some Peeps :)
Wouldn't you be better eating the marshmallows and leaving the peeps alone?

Fascinating site, some of those clouds don't look at all real do they.

The first few are incredible. I've never seen clouds like that before.
The tornado ones are pretty familiar though.

Great site. I'll be bookmarking this. Thanx.
non dairy whipped topping. Mmmmmmmmmm....

Said Thomas....

Terrance: I'm Terrance, I'm plowing.
Thomas: I'm Thomas, I'm pulling a train. What ugly wheels you've got.
Terrance: There's not ugly. They're caterpillars. I can go anywhere. I don't need rails.
Thomas: I don't want to go anywhere. I like my rails, thank you.

[Duck and Percy have left Thomas at the smelters and are idling at the station before going to watch the fireworks]
Duck: It was wrong of Thomas to tease you, Percy.
Percy: It's okay. He was only playing. I hope he hurries up. I wouldn't want him to be late for the fireworks.
[Thomas, after having been spooked rockets by the two engines and out of sight]
Thomas: He's after meeeeee!
Duck: [to Percy] I don't think he'll be late.


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