Cocky Want A Cracker?


TPF Noob!
May 25, 2007
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South of Melbourne, Australia
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Sulphur Crested Cockatoo in the front yard today :)





It looks like #3 is the only one that has sharp detail around the eyes and beak so that one is my fav! :sillysmi:
Miaow, you are so lucky to have these guys for neighbors. I just love 'em. I live with a hand raised (not wild caught) Goffins (just turned 14) and always wanted to visit a land where her cousins fly free.

This series, though a little soft, seems to show a certain sweetness of nature of these birds(although I'm quite aware that bird dynamics, especially Cockatoos, reveal them to be brutal, at times).

I noticed that your ISO was 200, probably resulting in a pretty slow shutter speed for least in my 10-minute-old-experience. Really, take my advice with a grain of salt because I just started working with a 80-400mm lens and have found that it's not possible for me to shoot small birds sharply without the higher ISOs (enabling a much faster shutter speed). Of course then you dance with the resulting noise...but there is a fine line that we can straddle and some processes we can employ which can yield a really fine image. The best case scenario for me is to try to get the aperture down to f/8 with a shutter speed of at least 1/400 (when I can get 1/1000 I know I'm home free)...but again, this is advice from someone who doesn't know much. But please keep showing these fellas. Oh and let me see their whole selves :). Don't you have the Rosies out your way? Oooo, I'd love to see them too.

Bottom line: I love the series...keep it up.
Thanks for the comments Dioboleque and One Sister :)

I'll try out the higher ISO/faster speed next time they come into the yard.

One Sister, we do get Rosellas, Lorikeets and Galahs also - We've just put a seed dish out the front yard to try and get more parrots into the yard - Hopefully I can get a few pics of those ones when they decide to come and visit :)
One Sister, we do get Rosellas, Lorikeets and Galahs also - We've just put a seed dish out the front yard to try and get more parrots into the yard - Hopefully I can get a few pics of those ones when they decide to come and visit :)

Whooo hooo! I'll be looking for your posts of these fellas.
Thanks Createnetwork:)
One Sister, I'm really hoping this seed dish works to get them to come down. There was a galah yesterday but I would have had to walk right next to where the cockies were to get a clear shot (fence in the way) so didnt want to scare them away at the time.

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